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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 157. States requiring testing for initial certification of elementary and secondary teachers, by skills or knowledge assessment and state: 2005 and 2006
State Assessment for certification, 2005 Assessment for certification, 2006
skills exam
matter exam
Knowledge of teaching exam Assessment
of teaching performance
skills exam
matter exam
Knowledge of teaching exam Assessment
of teaching performance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alabama X X X X X X X X
Alaska X      
Arizona   X X     X X  
Arkansas X X X X X X X X
California X   X X   X
Connecticut X (1) X X X (1) X X
Delaware X X     X X    
District of Columbia X X X X
Florida X X X   X X X  
Georgia X X     X X    
Hawaii X X X X X X
Idaho   X X X   X X X
Illinois X X X   X X X  
Indiana X X   X X X   X
Kansas   X X     X X  
Kentucky   X X X   X X X
Louisiana X X X X X X X X
Maryland X X X X X X X X
Massachusetts X X   X X X   X
Michigan X X   X X X   X
Minnesota X X X   X X X  
Missouri X X   X X X   X
Nebraska X      
Nevada X
New Hampshire X X     X X    
New Jersey
New Mexico X X X X X X X X
New York   X X     X X  
North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio   X X X
Oregon X X
Pennsylvania X X X X X X X X
Rhode Island     X X     X X
South Carolina   X X     X X  
South Dakota
Tennessee X X X   X X X  
Utah   X   X   X   X
Vermont X X     X X    
Virginia X X X   X X X  
Washington X X   X X X   X
West Virginia X X X X X X X X
Wisconsin X X     X X    
X State requires testing.
—Not available.
1 Subject-matter exams are required for persons seeking Connecticut certification in the fol­lowing areas: art, biology, business education, chemistry, earth science, elementary educa­tion, English, family and consumer sciences, French, general science, German, health education, Italian, mathematics, middle school English, middle school mathematics, middle school science, middle school social studies, music, physical education, physics, Russian, social studies, Spanish, special education, and technology education.
SOURCE: National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, The NASDTEC Manual on the Preparation & Certification of Educational Personnel in the United States & Canada, 2005 and 2006. (This table was prepared August 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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