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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 340. Total revenue of private for-profit degree-granting institutions, by source of funds and type of institution: 1997-98 to 2001-02

Year and    |    Total |  Student |   Federal |  State and |Private|Invest-|Educa- |Auxil- | Other
type of     |  revenue |  tuition | appropri- |local appro-| gifts |  ment |tional |  iary |
institution |      and | and fees |   ations, | priations, |   and |return |activi-|enter- |
            |investment|          |grants, and|grants, and |grants |       |  ties |prises |
            |   return |          | contracts |  contracts |       |       |       |       |
1           |        2 |        3 |         4 |          5 |     6 |     7 |     8 |     9 |    10
            |                                           In thousands
All institu-|          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
   tions    |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|$2,790,362|$2,320,594|   $200,454|     $55,647| $3,691|$11,334|$32,063|$87,502|$79,077
1998-99\1\ .| 3,791,729| 3,185,304|    263,665|      60,991|  3,741| 14,275| 34,956|139,533| 89,264
1999-2000 ..| 4,321,985| 3,721,032|    198,923|      71,904|  2,151| 18,537| 70,672|156,613| 82,153
2000-01 ....| 4,967,700| 4,340,478|    187,353|      87,348|  2,848| 19,737| 63,392|172,987| 93,557
2001-02 ....| 6,181,906| 5,423,949|    211,372|      47,486|  5,690| 17,127| 73,085|216,284|186,914
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
4-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....| 1,371,764| 1,192,755|     66,825|      16,356|    719|  7,569| 15,926| 44,496| 27,118
1998-99\1\ .| 1,874,874| 1,603,889|     99,215|      27,565|  1,264|  7,441| 16,355| 84,749| 34,398
1999-2000 ..| 2,381,042| 2,050,136|    103,865|      39,460|  1,109| 10,340| 33,764|102,103| 40,266
2000-01 ....| 2,952,254| 2,583,644|     81,879|      59,922|  1,659| 12,574| 40,081|106,327| 66,168
2001-02 ....| 3,775,017| 3,382,888|     64,761|      13,137|  2,809| 10,691| 46,676|132,401|121,655
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
2-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....| 1,418,598| 1,127,839|    133,629|      39,291|  2,972|  3,765| 16,137| 43,006| 51,959
1998-99\1\ .| 1,916,855| 1,581,415|    164,450|      33,426|  2,478|  6,834| 18,601| 54,784| 54,867
1999-2000 ..| 1,940,943| 1,670,896|     95,058|      32,444|  1,042|  8,197| 36,908| 54,510| 41,888
2000-01 ....| 2,015,446| 1,756,833|    105,474|      27,426|  1,189|  7,163| 23,311| 66,660| 27,389
2001-02 ....| 2,406,889| 2,041,061|    146,611|      34,349|  2,881|  6,436| 26,409| 83,883| 65,259
            |                                        Percentage distribution
All institu-|          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
   tions    |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      83.2|        7.2|         2.0|    0.1|    0.4|    1.1|    3.1|    2.8
1998-99\1\ .|     100.0|      84.0|        7.0|         1.6|    0.1|    0.4|    0.9|    3.7|    2.4
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      86.1|        4.6|         1.7|    0.0|    0.4|    1.6|    3.6|    1.9
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      87.4|        3.8|         1.8|    0.1|    0.4|    1.3|    3.5|    1.9
2001-02 ....|     100.0|      87.7|        3.4|         0.8|    0.1|    0.3|    1.2|    3.5|    3.0
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
4-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      87.0|        4.9|         1.2|    0.1|    0.6|    1.2|    3.2|    2.0
1998-99\1\ .|     100.0|      85.5|        5.3|         1.5|    0.1|    0.4|    0.9|    4.5|    1.8
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      86.1|        4.4|         1.7|    0.0|    0.4|    1.4|    4.3|    1.7
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      87.5|        2.8|         2.0|    0.1|    0.4|    1.4|    3.6|    2.2
2001-02 ....|     100.0|      89.6|        1.7|         0.3|    0.1|    0.3|    1.2|    3.5|    3.2
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
2-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      79.5|        9.4|         2.8|    0.2|    0.3|    1.1|    3.0|    3.7
1998-99\1\ .|     100.0|      82.5|        8.6|         1.7|    0.1|    0.4|    1.0|    2.9|    2.9
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      86.1|        4.9|         1.7|    0.1|    0.4|    1.9|    2.8|    2.2
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      87.2|        5.2|         1.4|    0.1|    0.4|    1.2|    3.3|    1.4
2001-02 ....|     100.0|      84.8|        6.1|         1.4|    0.1|    0.3|    1.1|    3.5|    2.7
            |            Revenue per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2001-02 dollars\2\
All institu-|          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
   tions    |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|   $10,461|    $8,700|       $751|        $209|    $14|    $42|   $120|   $328|   $296
1998-99\1\ .|    12,611|    10,594|        877|         203|     12|     47|    116|    464|    297
1999-2000 ..|    11,828|    10,183|        544|         197|      6|     51|    193|    429|    225
2000-01 ....|    11,074|     9,676|        418|         195|      6|     44|    141|    386|    209
2001-02 ....|    13,541|    11,881|        463|         104|     12|     38|    160|    474|    409
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
4-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|    11,168|     9,711|        544|         133|      6|     62|    130|    362|    221
1998-99\1\ .|    12,473|    10,670|        660|         183|      8|     50|    109|    564|    229
1999-2000 ..|    12,005|    10,336|        524|         199|      6|     52|    170|    515|    203
2000-01 ....|    13,175|    11,530|        365|         267|      7|     56|    179|    475|    295
2001-02 ....|    13,654|    12,236|        234|          48|     10|     39|    169|    479|    440
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
2-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     9,857|     7,837|        928|         273|     21|     26|    112|    299|    361
1998-99\1\ .|    12,748|    10,517|      1,094|         222|     16|     45|    124|    364|    365
1999-2000 ..|    11,618|    10,001|        569|         194|      6|     49|    221|    326|    251
2000-01 ....|    12,444|    10,847|        651|         169|      7|     44|    144|    412|    169
2001-02 ....|    13,369|    11,337|        814|         191|     16|     36|    147|    466|    362

\1\Data imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
\2\Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index adjusted to a school year basis.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1997 through 2002 Integrated Postsecondary Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:97-99) and "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY98-99), and Spring 2001 through Spring 2003. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index. (This table was prepared October 2004.)

2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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