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Profile: Owens Corning

Toledo, Ohio

Number of employees:   20,000

Green Leaf Winner, 2006 SmartWay Excellence Award

Owens Corning invented glass fiber and glass fiber insulation more than 50 years ago. Today, it has become a leading home-building products company and has expanded the applications for glass fiber materials. Owens Corning is the world's leading producer of glass fiber materials used in composites.

In 2005, Owens Corning recognized that its ability to track the amount of time a driver was waiting at its plants needed definition and quantification. Drivers were invited to sign in electronically when they came into proximity of the plant, regardless of the time it took before loading began and ended. This dwell time study allowed Owens Corning to effectively and accurately capture shipment information and report that data by plant and carrier. Based on this extensive study, Owens Corning is establishing guidelines to reduce idling at its plants while balancing driver safety and security.

Owens Corning was the first SmartWay Partner to make a substantial investment in advertising the SmartWay Partner logo in an industry publication. It also promoted SmartWay heavily through its business-to-business web portal and established a toll free phone number for its carriers to learn more about SmartWay. Owens Corning has further demonstrated its commitment to the Partnership by sending all its carriers information about SmartWay and the benefits of participating. To date, Owens Corning has recruited more than 25 new Carrier Partners.

“Owens Corning is all about conservation, safety and waste elimination. We redefine what is possible and consistently elevate our performance and the results of the team to employ creative processes to engage our carriers in support of the corporate initiatives. We believe that our strategies are innovative and that we have been active with the SmartWay Partnership and will continue to take every opportunity to raise the internal and external consciousness of this important program.”

John Gentle
Global Leader Transportation Affairs (retired)

SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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