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Profile: ARI (Automotive Resources International)

Mount Laurel, New Jersey

Number of employees:   1,100

Automotive Resources International (ARI) developed EnviroFleet™, a consulting program for fleet managers, in 2001. This program offers broad emission reduction strategy recommendations for fleets of all sizes. ARI has worked with its customers to provide case-specific vehicle and equipment consultative services, all aimed at lowering fuel consumption and green house gases. EnviroFleet recommends many of the same fuel saving strategies as SmartWay. EnviroFleet™ helps its customers with:

EnviroFleet recommendations are tracked and reported to fleet customers to help them lower fuel consumption and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, translating into money savings and reduced pollution.

"Since our EnviroFleet program began in 2001, ARI has created innovative business tools and technologies and shared our know-how for reducing fleet emissions. The customer strategies we design are stamped with our environmental DNA, helping to cut CO2, NOx and particulates through lifecycle-based analysis and other proven initiatives.

ARI looks forward to pointing customers to SmartWay as a "best practice" where applicable. In the end, SmartWay will be considered with every study / analysis we do on behalf of our clients."

Ed Pierce
ARI Marketing Director

SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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