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   Development and Stability of Everglades Tree Islands, Ridge and Slough, and Marl Prairies
   Ecosystem History: Terrestrial and Fresh-Water Ecosystems in Southern Florida



Last updated:
June 15, 2006

South Florida Pollen Data

map showing 1960's and 1990's sample site localities
Map showing surface sample site localities. [click for larger version]

Data are available as Excel® Spreadsheets (.xls)

1960's and 1990's | 2001 | 2002

1960's, 1995 and 1998

These data sets were taken from "Willard, D.A., Weimer, L.M., and Riegel, W.L., 2001. Pollen assemblages as paleoenvironmental proxies in the Florida Everglades. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 113, p. 213-235."

map showing 2001 sample site localities
Map showing 2001 sample site localities. [click for larger version]

Willard et al 2001

These data sets were taken from "Willard, D.A., Holmes, C.W., and Weimer, L.M., 2001, The Florida Everglades Ecosystem: Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts over the Last Two Millennia. In Wardlaw, B.R. (ed), Paleoecology of South Florida. Bulletins of American Paleontology, v.361: 41-55."

map showing 2002 sample site localities
Map showing 2002 sample site localities. [click for larger version]

Willard et al 2002

These data sets were taken from "Willard, D.A., Holmes, C.W., Korvela, M.S., Mason, D., Murray, J.B., Orem, W.H., and Towles, T., 2002. Paleoecological insights on fixed tree island development in the Florida Everglades: I. Environmental Controls. Invited chapter in Sklar, F., and van der Valk, A., South Florida Tree Islands: Kluwer Publishers."

(Please use the links to the upper left for additional information pertaining to this data.)

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: 15 June, 2006 @ 10:25 AM (KP)