By Meltem Cetin, California 


‘Serkan Bozkurt has been working as a GIS specialist focusing on DEM (digital elevation models) and computer mapping in Ross Stein’s research group, in addition to GIS analysis.

This is a story of a young Turkish scientist, Serkan Bozkurt who is a foreign exchange visitor at The Earthquake and Volcano Deformation and Stress Triggering Research Group within the US Geological Survey (USGS), visiting from Turkey since January 2002. Over the past two and a half years that Serkan has been with the USGS, he has accomplished an array of aims and objectives for the team as well as in his specialization. His most recent story of success is his contribution to a documentary called “Forces of Nature” a new National Geographic IMAX film that opened in summer 2004. Ross Stein, a Geophysicist who has been in the USGS, Earthquake Hazards Team since 1981, and is also Serkan’s boss, worked on the movie and appears as the lead scientist   in one of the three segments dedicated to earthquakes. Serkan takes credits for the graphics and computer animations (for the earthquake section of the film), his help with guiding Ross Stein to his hometown of Izmit and Istanbul (for the shooting of the film) and also his brief role in the movie.“Forces of Nature” is more of a roller coaster ride than a science documentary, with great footage and computer animations. Narrated by Kevin Bacon, the film introduces you to three scientists: Marie Edmonds, Ross Stein, and Josh Wurman, striving to understand and forecast three main natural disasters: volcanoes, earthquakes and tornados. The section on earthquakes is mainly dedicated to the recent earthquakes of Izmit in 1999. Scenes from Izmit and  

Istanbul are generously shown, as Izmit is a living laboratory for geologists studying earthquakes, and Istanbul is forecast to be the next target for a major hit in the near future. Interesting for Californians is the realization that the North Anatolian Fault line and San Andreas Fault line of California show exactly the same characteristics from length to strength. This is why this film is even more meaningful to scientists and wider audiences other than Turkey where the earthquake occurred.

Serkan Bozkurt has been working as a GIS specialist focusing on DEM (digital elevation models) and computer mapping in Ross Stein’s research group. In addition to GIS analysis, Serkan creates computer animations of earthquake phenomena designed for public and scientific presentations, which he says is ‘one of the most exciting parts of his job’.

  His work has been published in prominent industrial journals such as Nature Journal and Scientific American, and one of his GIS images became the cover image of September 5, 2002 issue of Nature Journal (http://sicarius.wr. - usgs.gov/). Another task of Serkan’s is to develop the group web site, which is the major portal serving the public and other scientists for technical and non-technical summaries of their research, published reports, press articles and their work, and materials for students and teachers. This is important because the website is the main link between the team, the public and other scientists around the world (http://quake.wr.usgs. - gov/~ross). Serkan Bozkurt, age 29, is a graduate of Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul, with a BS degree in Urban and Regional Planning (1996) and a MS degree in Geographical Information Systems-GIS (2000). Serkan has started his professional career in Istanbul at an urban & transportation planning office called Ulasim-Art. He then worked as a Principal GIS-GPS Specialist at TED Ltd. Sti. Istanbul, Turkey, which is an extension of a U.S. company called IMAGINS (Interactive Media and Geographic Information Systems, Inc.), located at Port Hueneme, CA.