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Weekly Highlights
FRESC Weekly Highlights are a concise, non-technical, timely summary of activities by the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (research results, meetings, media inquiries) that are of interest to our partners, various agencies, and the general public. Highlights are a quick and timely means of keeping people informed about our activities. It is composed and posted to the FRESC web site on a weekly basis and submitted to the USGS Office of Outreach for selected distribution within the Department of Interior.

Week Ending 10/31/2008
Previous weeks' highlights

USGS Weekly Highlights

News Releases

Annual Bald Eagle Survey Yields Important Results 1/10/2008

International Team Tracks Shorebird along Previously Unknown Migration Route 9/24/2007

Multiple Species at Risk from Emphasis on Conifer-Dominated Forests 8/23/2007

Declining Shorebird Numbers Recorded on Long-term Surveys in North America 1/19/2007

State and Federal Partnership forms to Restore Great Basin Rangelands 11/8/2005

New Insights about Prairie Falcon Migration 8/31/2005

Teaming Up to Survey a Coastal Treasure – The Black Oystercatcher 4/28/2005

Fish-Eating Osprey Functions as Sentinel for Contaminants 9/7/2004

Spotted Owl Groups Defined with Genetics 5/11/2004

Annual Winter Survey of Bald Eagles Set to Go 1/6/2004

Are Sagebrush Habitats and Their Birds Teetering on the Edge? 11/3/2003

U.S. Bald Eagle Counts Continue to Climb Slowly 7/21/2003

Frogs, Fish, and Fires: A New Look at Fire and Fuels Reduction Effects 6/1/2003

Symposium Seeks Innovations and Integration in Plant and Animal Conservation 4/16/2003

Alien Species in Cahoots 3/13/2003

Shedding light on amphibian declines: New research finds that ultraviolet radiation may not be a factor in amphibian population declines 12/2/2002

To thin or not to thin: USGS-funded research weighs benefits of forest thinning to plants and animals 11/21/2002

South American forests offer glimpse of U.S. ecosystems before Industrial Revolution 1/24/2002

Piping plovers have their ups and downs 1/24/2002

Hyrax middens provide clues to past climatic changes (for spatial and biological data) 8/5/2001

USGS study confirms an urban air-pollution problem at Mount Rainier National Park 5/28/1999

Clearinghouse for the Olympic Peninsula (for spatial and biological data) 2/3/1999

USGS and Arizona Game and Fish begin partnership to study western yellow-billed cuckoo 6/30/1998

USGS to study young forests and streamsides in western Oregon 4/1/1998