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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter IV  

Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor



Part 453  

General Statement Concerning the Bonding Requirements of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959

29 CFR 453.18 - Bonds ``individual or schedule in form''.

  • Section Number: 453.18
  • Section Name: Bonds ``individual or schedule in form''.

    (a) General consideration. In addition to such substantive matters 
as the personnel who must be bonded and the scope and the amount of the 
prescribed bonds, which have been discussed previously, the form of the 
bonds is the subject of a specific provision of section 502(a). Under 
this provision, a bond meeting the substantive requirements of the 
section may be either ``individual or schedule in form.'' These terms 
are not specially defined and could be descriptive of a variety of 
possible forms of bonds. According to trade usage, an individual bond is 
a single bond covering a single named individual to a designated amount, 
and bonds ``schedule in form'' may include either name schedule or 
position schedule bonds. A name schedule bond is typically a single bond 
covering a series or list of named individuals, each of whom is bonded 
separately to a designated amount. A position schedule bond is typically 
a single bond providing coverage with respect to any occupant or holder 
of one or more specified positions during the term of the bond, each 
office or position being covered to a designated amount. In a statute 
relating to trade or commerce, it is frequently helpful to consider 
whatever trade or commercial usages may have developed with respect to 
the statutory terms. \9\ References to individual, schedule and position 
schedule bonds may be found in other acts of Congress and indicate a 
clear awareness of trade usages and terminology in this field. \10\

    \9\ See 2 Sutherland, Statutory Construction (3d ed. 1943) 
Sec. 4919.
    \10\ Act of August 24, 1954, 68 Stat. 335, 12 U.S.C. 1766(g); Act of 
August 9, 1955, 69 Stat. 618, 6 U.S.C. 14.

    (b) Particular forms of bonds. If the phrase ``individual or 
schedule in form'' is considered in light of the trade usages, section 
502(a) at least permits bonds which are individual, name schedule or 
position schedule in form. Of course, section 502(a) does not require 
any particular type of individual or schedule bonds where different 
types exist or may be developed. It could not be said, for example, that 
a bond which schedules positions according to similarities in duties, 
risks, or required amounts of coverage is not ``schedule in form'' 
within the meaning of section 502(a) merely because the particular form 
of scheduling involved was not employed in bonds current at the time the 
section became law. A more specific illustration would be a bond 
scheduling shop stewards as a group because of the similar duties they 
perform in collecting dues, or members of an executive board as a group 
because of the fact that duties are imposed upon the board as such. A 
bond of this type would be ``schedule in form'' within the meaning of 
section 502(a) and, assuming adequacy of amount and coverage of all 
persons whom it is necessary to bond, such a bond would be in conformity 
with the statute. Also, a bond scheduling positions or groups of 
positions according to amounts of funds handled by occupants of the 
positions could be viewed as ``schedule in form.''
    (c) Additional bonding. Section 502(a) neither prevents additional 
bonding beyond that required by its terms nor prescribes the form in 
which such additional coverage may be taken. Thus, so
long as a particular bond is schedule in form as to the personnel 
required to be bonded and schedules coverage of these persons in at 
least the minimum required amount, additional coverage either as to 
personnel or amount may be taken in any form either in the same or in 
separate bonds. A bond which provided name or position schedule coverage 
for all persons required to be bonded under section 502(a), each 
scheduled person or position being bonded in at least the required 
minimum amount, would clearly be ``schedule in form'' within the meaning 
of section 502(a) regardless of the extent or form of additional 
schedule or blanket coverage provided in the same bond.
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