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        Victim Services

Despite the increase in rights and services for victims over the past two decades, many victims still struggle to discover what rights they have, what services and resources are available, and how to access them. OVC recognizes its responsibility to lead the way in improving the treatment of victims, highlighting victims' rights, and improving the scope and delivery of victim services. OVC programs help communities expand and reinforce their ability to serve victims—whether through helping victims pay for emergency needs, enhancing services in underserved areas, or offering specialized information to service providers.

See the box at the right for detailed information about OVC's initiatives in this area.


OVC is committed to helping victim service organizations secure the training, technical assistance, and material resources they need to build their capacity. Many initiatives are directed toward victims of crime whose cases fall under federal criminal jurisdiction. However, each program seeks to broaden the support for all victims in the United States and abroad.

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Topic-Specific OVC Initiatives

OVC neither endorses, has any responsibility for, nor exercises any control over the organizations' views or the accuracy of the information contained in those pages outside of OVC’s Web site.

Services for Trafficking Victims

Victim Services in Rural Law Enforcement

Victim Reunification Travel Program: Addressing International Parental Child Abduction Cases

This document was last updated on October 17, 2008