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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens and Vicinity
Points of Interest

Independence Pass


Control tree shows 23 annual rings between the 1472 and 1495 narrow rings, while the tree in the We tephra-fall zone shows only 20 rings. The series of missing and narrow rings starting with the 1482 ring were caused by tree injury during fallout of layer We.
-- Yamaguchi,, 1986

Driving Directions
  • From Interstate 5 -- take Exit 21 (Woodland Exit)
  • Head east on Highway 503 and USFS Road 90, approximately 52 miles to the junction of USFS Roads 25 and 90.
  • Continue north (left) on USFS Road 25 approximately 25 miles to the junction of USFS Roads 25 and 99.
  • Turn west (left) on USFS Road 99 and continue 12 miles to Independence Pass Trail Parking Lot.
  • Hike: 3/4 mile (0.4 kilometer) through downed timber.

Independence Pass

Independence Pass Trail

At the end of the trail is an excellent view of Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake. In good weather you can see part of the growing lava dome within the crater (1986 height, 918 feet). Along this trail is a cut tree trunk that shows tightly clustered growth rings corresponding to the years A.D.1801-5 (effects of eruption of pumice of the T tephra in A.D. 1800; Yamaguchi, 1983). Along the trail the blast deposit can be recognized by its gray color. It contains gravel-to sand-size rock fragments from the edifice of Mount St. Helens, pieces of slightly vesicular gray dacite from the cryptodome, and fragments of shredded wood. The hike is an opportunity to explore the diverse effects of the blast on both large and small trees. Small trees buried under the winter snow remained untouched. Very few large trees were transported or reoriented after they fell. Standing trunks on and behind the ridge to the north indicated that the flow was diffuse enough to loft over them but still snapped off their crowns.

-- Excerpt from: Doukas, 1990, Road Guide to Volcanic Deposits of Mount St. Helens and Vicinity, Washington: USGS Bulletin 1859, 53p.

Other Nearby Points of Interest

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click to enlarge Mount St. Helens
Points of Interest -
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Click button for Meta Lake Meta Lake (north)

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03/27/07, Lyn Topinka