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Carl M.  Schmitt
El/Sec Coop System & Institutional Studies-ESLSD

Telephone:  (202) 502-7350

National Center for Education Statistics
1990 K Street, NW
Room 9103
Washington, DC 20006

Specialties and Functions:
Common Core of Data (CCD) Survey, National Education Data Resource Center, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Survey Areas
Common Core of Data  (CCD) Build a Table Application
Staff for  CCD   Publications for CCD   To CCD Home Page
National Education Data Resource Center  (NEDRC) Elementary/Secondary
Staff for  NEDRC   Publications for NEDRC   To NEDRC Home Page
Service Areas


National Education Data Resource Center (NEDRC)

Information about NCES and Projects

National Education Data Resource Center (NEDRC)

Special Data Tabulations

Common Core of Data (CCD), SASS, NHES


Build a table application (web), special tabulations

1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)