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National Science Foundation Division of Science Resources Statistics

Appendix D. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, by Agency and Type of Administration


The following is the master list of federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) provided to respondents at the time of the volume 54 data collection. The list is arranged by sponsoring agency and administering organization. Respondents used the FFRDC category to report funds obligated to centers identified on this list. FFRDC administrators are listed in parentheses.

  • Department of Defense
    • Department of the Air Force
      • Administered by universities and colleges, including university consortia
        • Lincoln Laboratory (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lexington MA
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
        • Aerospace FFRDC (The Aerospace Corp.), El Segundo CA
        • Project Air Force (RAND Corp.[1]), Santa Monica CA
    • Department of the Army
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
        • Arroyo Center (RAND Corp.[1]), Santa Monica CA
    • Department of the Navy
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
        • Center for Naval Analyses (The CNA Corporation), Alexandria VA
    • National Security Agency
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
        • Institute for Defense Analyses Communications and Computing FFRDC (Institute for Defense Analyses), Alexandria VA
    • Office of the Secretary of Defense
      • Administered by universities and colleges, including university consortia
        • Software Engineering Institute (Carnegie Mellon University), Pittsburgh PA
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
        • Institute for Defense Analyses Studies and Analyses FFRDC (Institute for Defense Analyses), Alexandria VA
        • National Defense Research Institute (RAND Corp.[1]), Santa Monica CA
        • C3I FFRDC (MITRE Corp.), Bedford MA and McLean VA

  • Department of Energy
    • Administered by industrial firms
      • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (Bechtel BWXT Idaho LLC), Idaho Falls ID
      • Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia Corp., a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corp.), Albuquerque NM
      • Savannah River Technology Center (Westinghouse Savannah River Co.), Aiken SC
    • Administered by universities and colleges, including university consortia
      • Ames Laboratory (Iowa State University of Science and Technology), Ames IA
      • Argonne National Laboratory (University of Chicago), Argonne IL
      • Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (University of California), Berkeley CA
      • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Universities Research Association Inc.), Batavia IL
      • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (University of California), Livermore CA
      • Los Alamos National Laboratory (University of California), Los Alamos NM
      • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Princeton University), Princeton NJ
      • Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (Leland Stanford, Jr., University), Stanford CA
      • Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Southeastern Universities Research Association Inc.), Newport News VA
    • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
      • Brookhaven National Laboratory (Brookhaven Science Associates Inc.), Upton, Long Island NY
      • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Midwest Research Institute), Golden CO
      • Oak Ridge National Laboratory[2] (UT-Battelle LLC), Oak Ridge TN
      • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Battelle Memorial Institute), Richland WA

  • Department of Health and Human Services
    • National Institutes of Health
      • Administered by industrial firms
        • National Cancer Institute at Frederick[3] (Science Applications International Corp.; Charles River Laboratories Inc.; Data Management Services Inc.; Wilson Information Services Inc.), Frederick MD

  • Department of Transportation
    • Federal Aviation Administration
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
        • Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (MITRE Corp.), McLean VA

  • Department of the Treasury
    • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
      • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
      • IRS FFRDC (MITRE Corp.), McLean VA
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • Administered by universities and colleges, including university consortia
      • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (California Institute of Technology), Pasadena CA

  • National Science Foundation
    • Administered by universities and colleges, including university consortia
      • National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Cornell University), Arecibo PR
      • National Center for Atmospheric Research (University Corp. for Atmospheric Research), Boulder CO
      • National Optical Astronomy Observatories (Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc.), Tucson AZ
      • National Radio Astronomy Observatory (Associated Universities Inc.), Green Bank WV
      • National Radio Astronomy Observatory (Associated Universities Inc.), Charlottesville VA
    • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
      • The Science and Technology Policy Institute (RAND Corp.[1]), Washington DC

  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    • Administered by nonprofit institutions other than universities and colleges
      • Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (Southwest Research Institute), San Antonio TX


[1] These portions of RAND Corporation are FFRDCs: National Defense Research Institute (formerly Defense/Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Project Air Force, the Arroyo Center, and the Science and Technology Policy Institute (formerly Critical Technologies Institute).

[2] On 1 April 2000, Oak Ridge National Laboratory acquired a new nonprofit administrator (UT-Battelle LLC). The previous administrator was the industrial firm Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.

[3] In 2000 the name was changed from NCI Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center. It remains an FFRDC.In 2000 the name was changed from NCI Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center. It remains an FFRDC.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics. Updates of this list are available at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/ffrdc/.

Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2004-06
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 07-323 | June 2007
National Science Foundation Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS)
The National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: (703) 292-8780, FIRS: (800) 877-8339 | TDD: (800) 281-8749
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Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008