NSF 94-323 Contents, All text, & List of other Publications


science   1994

BOOK Division of Science Resources Studies
National Science Foundation
Arlington, Virginia 22230

Project Coordinator:  Deborah A. Collins

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Suggested Citation

National Science Foundation, Science and Technology Pocket Data Book:
1994, NSF 94-323 (Arlington, VA, 1994).


National R&D Funding Patterns III

Figure 1.  The national R&D effort....1
Figure 2.  National R&D expenditures, funders, and performers,
     by character of work: 1993....2
Figure 3.  Federal R&D funding, by budget function....3
Figure 4.  Federal R&D budget authority, by function: 1995....4
Figure 5.  Federal obligations, by type of activity....5
Figure 6.  Federal R&D obligations, by selected agency....6

Academic R&D....7

Figure 7.  Sources of academic R&D funding, by sector....8
Figure 8.  Academic R&D expenditures, by source of funds....9
Figure 9.  Academic R&D expenditures, by field....10
Figure 10.  Academic R&D expenditures, by selected field....11
Figure 11.  Percent of academic R&D that is federally financed, by field....12
Figure 12.  Academic funding provided by current lead Federal
     R&D funder, by field....13

R&D in U.S. Industry....14

Figure 13.  Expenditures for industrial R&D, by source of funds....15
Figure 14.  Industrial R&D performance, by character of work....16
Figure 15.  Share of industrial R&D funding, by source and industry....17

Education of Scientists and Engineers....18

Figure 16.  Bachelor's degrees awarded in major
science and engineering fields....19
Figure 17.  Master's degrees awarded in major science and
     engineering fields....20
Figure 18.  Doctorates awarded in major science and engineering
Figure 19.  Full-time science/engineering graduate students
     in all institutions,  by source of major support....22
Figure 20.  Full-time science/engineering graduate students
     in all institutions,  by type of major support....23
Figure 21.  Foreign citizen representation in 1992 U.S.
     science and engineering  graduate education....24

Working Scientists and Engineers....25

Figure 22.  S&E and in-field employment of 1988 and 1989 S&E
     graduates, by field of degree: 1990....26
Figure 23.  Employed doctoral scientists and engineers,
     by sector: 1991....27
Figure 24.  Academic employment and R&D involvement of
     women and minority doctorate scientists and engineers: 1991....28

Public Attitudes Toward S&T....29

Figure 25.  Attitudes on the impact of science and technology
     on quality of life issues: 1992....30
Figure 26.  Assessments of scientific research over time....31
Figure 27.  Expected results from science and technology: 1992....32
Figure 28.  Preferences for Government spending: 1992....33

International S&T Trends....34

Figure 29.  Comparisons of economic growth....35
Figure 30.  National expenditures on R&D, by selected countries....36
Figure 31.  R&D as a percentage of GDP, by country....37
Figure 32.  R&D expenditures, by country, source, and performer: 1991....38
Figure 33.  Government R&D support, by country and socioeconomic
     objective: 1992....39
Figure 34.  Ratio of R&D scientists and engineers per 10,000 workers in
     the general labor force, by country....40
Figure 35.  Scientists and engineers engaged in R&D, by country....41
Figure 36.  Immigrant scientists and engineers by occupation....42
Figure 37. Contributions of selected countries/regions to
     world scientific and technical literature....43
Figure 38.  U.S. patents granted, by nationality of inventor....44
Figure 39.  U.S. royalties and license fees generated by exchange
     of industrial processes between unaffiliated
     companies: 1991....45
Figure 40.  Country/region share of global high-tech markets....46
Figure 41.  Import penetration of high-tech markets....47
Figure 42.  U.S. global market share, by hi-tech industry....48
Figure 43.  Adult interest in and knowledge about environmental
     issues and concepts: 1992....49

Other Science Resources Publications....50

Other Science Resources Publications

Title                         Pub.      NSF
                         Type Pub. No.


Academic Research Equipment and Equipment Needs in Selected Science
  and Engineering Fields:  1989-90 Report    91-311

Academic Research Equipment and Equipment Needs in the
  Physical Sciences:  1989         Report    91-305

Academic Research Equipment in Computer Sciences, Central Computer
  Facilities and Engineering:  1989     Report    91-304

Characteristics of Science/Engineering Equipment in Academic Settings:
  1989-90                Report    91-315

Geographic Patterns:  R&D in the United
     States                   Report    89-317

International Science and Technology Data Update:  1991
                         Report    91-309

National Patterns of R&D Resources:  1992
                         Report    92-330

Profiles-Biological Sciences:  Human Resources and Funding
                         Report    89-318

Science and Engineering Indicators-1993
                         Report    NSB 93-1

Science and Engineering Personnel:  A National Overview
                         Report    90-310

Science and Technology Pocket Data Book:  1992
                         Report    92-331

Scientific and Engineering Research Facilities at Universities and
  Colleges:  1992   Report    92-325

Superconductivity Research and Development Activities in U.S. Industry:
  1987 and 1988                    Staff Paper    --

Survey of Direct U.S. Private Capital Investment in Research and
  Development Facilities in Japan  Report    91-312

Financial Resources

Academic Science/Engineering:  R&D Expenditures, Fiscal Year 1991
                         Tables    93-308
Federal Funds for Research and Development:  Fiscal Years 1991,
  1992 and 1993, Volume XLI   Tables    93-323

Federal R&D Funding by Budget Function:  Fiscal Years 1992-94
                         Data Update    93-311

Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions:
  Fiscal Year 1991  Tables    92-325

Planned R&D Expenditures of Major U.S. Firms:  1990-91
                         Report    91-306
Research and Development Expenditures of State Government Agencies:
  Fiscal Years 1987 and 1988  Report    90-309

Research and Development in Industry:  1990. Funds, 1990;
  Scientists & Engineers, January 1991
                    Tables    94-304

Selected Data on Academic Science/Engineering R&D Expenditures:
  Fiscal Year 1992       Tables    94-303

Selected Data on Federal Funds for Research and Development:
  Fiscal Years 1991, 1992, and 1993, Volume XLI   Tables    93-319

Selected Data on Federal Support to Universities and Colleges:
  Fiscal Year 1991       Tables    93-320

Selected Data on Research and Development in Industry:  1991
Tables    93-322

Total Federal Academic Obligations Increased 15 Percent
  in FY 1991             Data Brief     93-304

U.S. Industry R&D Expenditures Declined in 1991
                    Data Brief     93-310

Human Resources

Academic Science/Engineering:  Graduate Enrollment and Support,
  Fall 1991              Tables    93-309

Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the
  United States:  1991        Tables    94-307 (in press)

Characteristics of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates:  1990
                    Tables    92-316

Enrollment of S/E Graduate Students Continue to Increase
                    Data Brief     93-306

Foreign Citizens Continue to Increase U.S. Ranks of Science and
  Engineering Doctorate Recipients
                    Data Brief     92-311

Immigrant Scientists and Engineers:  1990
                    Tables    93-317

Science and Engineering Degrees:  1966-91
                    Tables    94-305

Science and Engineering Doctorates:  1960-91
                    Tables    93-301

Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians in Manufacturing: 1989
                    Tables    92-312

Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians in Nonmanufacturing
Industries:  1990        Tables    89-321

Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians in Trade and Regulated
  Industries:  1988      Tables    90-317

Selected Data on Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and
  Engineering:  Fall 1992     Tables    94-301

Selected Data on Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards:  1992
                    Tables    93-315

U.S. Scientists and Engineers:  1988
                    Tables    90-314

Using the Survey of Doctorate Recipients to Measure the Number
  of Academic Research Personnel in Science and Engineering
                    Data Brief     92-314

Using the Survey of Doctorate Recipients to Measure the Number
  of Academic Research Personnel in Science and Engineering
                    Research Note  92-315

Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering,
  An Update    Report    92-303

Women Continue to Earn Increasing Percentage of Science and
  Engineering Baccalaureates  Data Brief     92-313
