About Lincoln Laboratory

MIT Lincoln Laboratory is a federally funded research and development center chartered to apply advanced technology to problems of national security. Research and development activities focus on long-term technology development as well as rapid system prototyping and demonstration. These efforts are aligned within key mission areas. The Laboratory works with industry to transition new concepts and technology for system development and deployment. 

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The Laboratory employs some of the nation's top scientists and engineers to work on challenging problems for national security. Meet some of these people in our Staff Profiles.

Photo of staff engineer

College Recruiting Calendar

Lincoln Laboratory recruits at 60 campuses across the U.S. Details of the 2008–2009 recruiting schedule are now available.


2008 HPEC logoThe 2008 High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop will be held from 23 to 25 September.


Annual Report icon

2007 Annual Report (pdf)

Lab Notes

Brief reports on intriguing technical innovations

Standing Guard ›
Protecting process control systems: Q&A with Robert Cunningham

Looking for a Reaction ›
A new DNA amplification method is better, faster, and cheaper than traditional tests.

A Big Eye Sees Small Things ›  An upgrade to the Millstone radar will ensure uninterrupted tracking of the geosynchronous orbit.

Plugging the Right Holes ›
NetSPA software maps computer networks to find paths most vulnerable to hacking.

Untangling the Friendly Skies › Computer recommendations could clear up some weather-caused airline delays.

view all Lab Notes ›


Lincoln Laboratory supplies detectors for world's most advanced digital camera

Pan-STARRS telescope

In December of this year, when the Pan-STARRS (for Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System) prototype telescope on Haleakala, Maui, goes operational, it will feature the world’s largest and most advanced digital camera at the heart of which are silicon chips developed at Lincoln Laboratory.   more ›

Community Outreach


Robotics Outreach at Lincoln Laboratory (ROLL) hosted its first robotics workshop. For two days, Laboratory volunteers mentored 9th and 10th grade students in assembling, programming, and testing robots to perform specific functions.

Photo of student and mentor at robotics workshop