U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southwest Region 2 Intranet Your Office
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This relatively new refuge needs volunteers! There are several areas in which to participate:

Trail Team: building and maintaining nature trails, install signs…

Facility Team: assisting with various construction and maintenance projects, trimming and mowing…

Boundary & Roads Team: maintaining refuge roads, boundary fences, traffic signs, and gates, sloping steep rock cliffs and controlling erosion around roads…

Naturalist Team: presenting programs and guided nature walks for groups, general public, and schools; presenting environmental education programs to children, and tag Monarch butterflies in October…

Special Event Team: assisting with planning, greeting public or other staffing needs such as parking vehicles, set up & take down…

Environmental & Recycling Team: removing & recycling waste materials generated from office and on refuge, cleaning up around old homesteads & structures, removing old fences…

Warbler Team: locating and treating invasive Tree-of Heaven, collecting and germinating Spanish oak seedlings, rescuing Spanish oak seedlings and transplant.

Vireo Team: Cutting Ashe juniper, constructing and repairing Brown-headed Cowbird traps and assisting with program, collecting and planting shin oak seedlings.

Bird Survey Team: conducting Breeding Bird Surveys, inputting bird survey data into data base, participating in Christmas Bird Counts, conducting vireo and warbler surveys.

Blue Bird and Bat Box Team: maintaining and collecting data on them, constructing and maintaining boxes, maintaining records…

NOTE: A limited number of RV pads are available to non-local volunteers, with their own RVs, who can work 3 days/week/person to a few months any time throughout the year. Contact the Outdoor Recreation Planner at rob_iski@fws.gov or Assistant Refuge Manager at kelly_mcdowell@fws.gov for more information.

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