Potential San Francisco Bay Landslides During El Niño






1996-97 Rainy Season

Debris Flow,
Sierra Nevada
North Fork of the Stanislaus River
(computer simulation)

debris flow photo    This computer simulation depicts the Sourgrass debris flow (Sierra Nevada, North Fork of the Stanislaus River), of January 1, 1997. The flow was 2.4 miles long, with a vertical drop of 2,000 feet. The first half moved 2 to 3 miles per hour, which is roughly the speed of a fast walk. The second half accelerated to 12 miles per hour, or the speed of a runner doing a 5 minute mile.

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Views of Debris

tree debris

    Close-up view of debris flow, consisting mainly of fallen trees along part of the lower flowpath.

Click on the photo for a 140kb jpeg image (new window)

Photo courtesy of Jerome V. DeGraff, U.S. Forest Service

more tree debris

    Close-up view across the North Fork of the Stanislaus River, of woody debris remnants of debris flow deposit. Note the people standing in the center for scale.

Click on photo for a broader-scale, 108kb jpg image (new window) with no yellow circles

Photo courtesy of Jerome V. DeGraff, U.S. Forest Service


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Last modified: 17 April 1998,
Contact: El Niño Web Team