Minnesota Valley NWR and WMD
Midwest Region



Calendar of Events

Visitor Information


Photo Blinds
Photo Blind Reservations

Refuge Lands

Black Dog
Bloomington Ferry
Long Meadow
Louisville Swamp
Rapids Lake

Bloomington Visitor Center

Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center

Hunting Regs

Hunting Brochure

Fishing Regs


Teacher Workshops
Jr. Duck Stamp

- Grades 10-12
- Grades 7-9
- Grades 4-6
- Grades K-3

Scout Programs


Resource Center

Trunks and Kits
Puddles - Blue Goose




Wetland Management District


Private Lands Restoration

Habitat Management

Oak Savanna

Small Wetlands Program


2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Contact Us

Phone: 952-854-5900
3815 American Blvd. East
Bloomington, MN 55425

Education Page Header

Monarch Photo

"In the end, we conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught."
-Baba Dioum

Have you discovered the joys of teaching in the outdoors? Are you looking for an outdoor classroom that offers standard-based curriculum and diverse habitats to enhance your classroom learning? We offer three fieldtrip options described below.

Refuge Partner Schools*
The Refuge Partner Schools Program is an approach that provides teachers and students with multidisciplinary, standard-based curriculum that includes hands-on, real-life experiences with plants and wildlife, as well as recreational opportunities to immerse students in nature throughout the seasons. Participating schools visit the refuge at least 3 times each school year for ranger-led lessons and activities. While the Program reaches a wide audience of students, the emphasis is on diverse, inner-city youth and typically involves the entire student body from kindergarten through grade 5.

*Refuge Partner Schools are eligible for busing assistance through the Blue Goose Bus Fund, managed by the Refuge Friends, Inc.

Refuge Partner Teachers*
The Refuge Partner Teacher Program is open to any teacher interested in using the refuge as his or her own personal outdoor classroom! Refuge Partner Teachers receive FREE training, fieldtrip planning support, and multidisciplinary, standard-based refuge curriculum. Attend one Refuge Orientation Workshop or the summer week-long session of the 4 R’s Workshop to register.

Refuge Partner Teachers are eligible for busing assistance through the Blue Goose Bus Fund, managed by the Refuge Friends, Inc.

Self-Led Refuge Fieldtrips
Any teacher is welcome to schedule their group to visit and explore the refuge on their own. Priority space is given to Refuge Partner Schools and Refuge Partner Teachers. Call the Bloomington Visitor Center at 953-854-5900 or the Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center 952-362-4502 according to the following schedule.

Reservations for Fall Self-led Fieldtrips will be take after: August 25
Reservation for Winter Self-led Fieldtrips will be taken after: November 25
Reservations for Spring Self-led Fieldtrips will be taken after: February 25

Educators not enrolled in one of the refuge programs that are looking for naturalist-led programming we suggest checking the SEEK website for a list of area nature and science centers that provide guided school group fieldtrips.

NatureWise - Prairie Exploration Workshop Series, Summer 2008
More information is available on the Teacher's Education page >>

Fall and spring semester internships are focused on environmental education programming. Summer internships also include interpretation projects and other duties. For additional information contact Beth Ullenberg at (952) 858-0712 or beth_ullenberg@fws.gov.

Last updated: June 29, 2008