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Economic Outcomes
Table 20-1.  Median annual earnings of full-time, full-year wage and salary workers ages 25–34, by educational attainment, sex, and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1980–2005

[In constant 2004 dollars]
Educational attainment, sex,
and race/ethnicity1
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    Total $35,600 $35,100 $32,500 $31,600 $34,200 $34,000 $33,800 $33,200 $33,600 $32,800
Educational attainment                
  Less than high school 27,000 24,900 23,200 21,000 22,100 22,400 22,500 22,000 21,800 21,500
  High school diploma or equivalent 32,400 30,200 28,500 26,400 28,600 28,000 28,000 27,500 27,100 26,800
  Some college 35,900 35,300 32,600 30,200 32,700 32,900 32,500 31,900 32,000 31,200
  Bachelor’s degree or higher 40,800 43,900 43,000 41,100 45,000 44,700 44,600 44,200 43,500 43,100
Sex and educational attainment                
    Male 40,600 39,100 36,700 34,200 37,800 37,600 37,300 36,500 36,300 35,100
  Less than high school 30,700 27,500 25,200 24,100 23,200 23,800 24,000 23,100 23,600 23,500
  High school diploma or equivalent 38,800 35,200 32,000 29,700 32,300 31,400 31,100 30,900 30,400 29,600
  Some college 40,800 39,800 37,600 33,000 38,000 37,400 37,300 36,000 36,400 35,500
  Bachelor’s degree or higher 46,300 48,200 46,000 46,400 50,900 51,200 51,400 49,600 50,700 48,400
    Female 27,600 29,100 28,900 27,500 30,100 31,200 31,600 31,500 31,000 30,300
  Less than high school 19,900 19,600 18,200 17,100 18,500 17,900 18,000 19,800 18,700 17,800
  High school diploma or equivalent 25,500 25,000 23,700 21,800 23,500 24,200 24,600 24,400 24,000 23,500
  Some college 27,800 28,900 29,000 26,700 27,800 28,100 28,200 28,000 28,800 28,100
  Bachelor’s degree or higher 34,100 36,900 38,800 37,300 39,900 40,200 42,000 41,300 40,300 39,500
Race/ethnicity1 and sex                
    White 36,700 36,600 34,600 33,000 35,600 36,800 37,100 36,300 36,700 35,000
  Male 42,000 41,400 38,300 37,200 39,700 39,300 39,700 38,800 40,300 38,500
  Female 28,000 29,900 29,700 28,800 32,500 33,100 32,900 32,400 32,300 31,100
    Black 28,200 27,100 26,300 26,400 28,500 28,900 29,200 29,300 27,600 28,200
  Male 31,800 29,400 28,000 28,600 32,100 32,400 32,200 31,700 28,700 28,600
  Female 25,900 24,300 24,800 24,700 25,600 27,000 27,800 27,700 27,200 27,800
    Hispanic 30,800 29,400 27,000 25,500 28,000 27,300 27,800 27,200 26,600 26,600
  Male 35,200 31,800 28,700 26,400 29,700 28,400 28,500 27,900 27,700 27,300
  Female 25,500 27,000 24,000 23,400 24,600 25,300 26,300 26,000 24,800 25,900
    Asian  —  —  33,9002 33,5002 40,3002 41,6002 42,200 42,500 40,700 40,400
  Male  —  —  35,6002 35,4002 45,4002 45,0002 47,600 45,100 44,300 44,400
  Female  —  —  32,1002 31,5002 38,4002 37,7002 34,100 37,700 37,100 38,800
    American Indian/Alaska Native  —  — 29,700 25,600 27,200 29,000 26,500 27,500 26,500 30,000
  Male  —  —  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡
  Female  —  —  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡  ‡
    More than one race  —  —  —  —  —  — 35,300 32,500 32,300 33,900
  Male  —  —  —  —  —  — 37,000 37,100 35,000 35,900
  Female  —  —  —  —  —  — 32,400 30,000 30,100 30,600
    Other 35,000 34,900  ‡  —  —  —  —  —  —  —
  Male 39,800 38,600  ‡  —  —  —  —  —  —  —
  Female 28,800 30,600  ‡  —  —  —  —  —  —  —

— Not available.

‡ Reporting standards not met (too few cases).

1Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.

2From 1989 through 2002, Asians and Pacific Islanders were not reported separately; therefore, Pacific Islanders are included with Asians during this period. Pacific Islander data, for years available separately, did not meet reporting standards.

NOTE: Earnings are presented in constant dollars by means of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to eliminate inflationary factors and allow direct comparison across years. See supplemental note 11 for further discussion. Full-year worker refers to those who were employed 50 or more weeks the previous year; full-time worker refers to those who were usually employed 35 or more hours per week. The Current Population Survey (CPS) questions used to obtain educational attainment were changed in 1992. In 1994, the survey instrument for the CPS was changed and weights were adjusted. Estimates are revised from previous editions. See supplemental note 2 for further discussion.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), March and Annual Social and Economic Supplement, selected years, 1981–2006.

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