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Content Last Revised: 1/23/81

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 778  

Overtime Compensation




Subpart C  

Payments That May Be Excluded From the ``Regular Rate''

29 CFR 778.220 - ``Show-up'' or ``reporting'' pay.

  • Section Number: 778.220
  • Section Name: ``Show-up'' or ``reporting'' pay.

    (a) Applicable principles. Under some employment agreements, an 
employee may be paid a minimum of a specified number of hours' pay at 
the applicable straight time or overtime rate on infrequent and sporadic 
occasions when, after reporting to work at his scheduled starting time 
on a regular work
day or on another day on which he has been scheduled to work, he is not 
provided with the expected amount of work. The amounts that may be paid 
under such an agreement over and above what the employee would receive 
if paid at his customary rate only for the number of hours worked are 
paid to compensate the employee for the time wasted by him in reporting 
for work and to prevent undue loss of pay resulting from the employer's 
failure to provide expected work during regular hours. One of the 
primary purposes of such an arrangement is to discourage employers from 
calling their employees in to work for only a fraction of a day when 
they might get full-time work elsewhere. Pay arrangements of this kind 
are commonly referred to as ``show-up'' or ``reporting'' pay. Under the 
principles and subject to the conditions set forth in subpart B of this 
part and Secs. 778.201 through 778.207, that portion of such payment 
which represents compensation at the applicable rates for the straight 
time or overtime hours actually worked, if any, during such period may 
be credited as straight time or overtime compensation, as the case may 
be, in computing overtime compensation due under the Act. The amount by 
which the specified number of hours' pay exceeds such compensation for 
the hours actually worked is considered as a payment that is not made 
for hours worked. As such, it may be excluded from the computation of 
the employee's regular rate and cannot be credited toward statutory 
overtime compensation due him.
    (b) Application illustrated. To illustrate, assume that an employee 
entitled to overtime pay after 40 hours a week whose workweek begins on 
Monday and who is paid $5 an hour reports for work on Monday according 
to schedule and is sent home after being given only 2 hours of work. He 
then works 8 hours each day on Tuesday through Saturday, inclusive, 
making a total of 42 hours for the week. The employment agreement 
covering the employees in the plant, who normally work 8 hours a day, 
Monday through Friday, provides that an employee reporting for scheduled 
work on any day will receive a minimum of 4 hours' work or pay. The 
employee thus receives not only the $10 earned in the 2 hours of work on 
Monday but an extra 2 hours' ``show-up'' pay, or $10 by reason of this 
agreement. However, since this $10 in ``show-up'' pay is not regarded as 
compensation for hours worked, the employee's regular rate remains $5 
and the overtime requirements of the Act are satisfied if he receives, 
in addition to the $210 straight-time pay for 42 hours and the $10 
``show-up'' payment, the sum of $5 as extra compensation for the 2 hours 
of overtime work on Saturday.
[46 FR 7312, Jan. 23, 1981]
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