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Title:  Programs for Adults in Public Library Outlets
Description: This report presents data on programs for adults in public library outlets. NCES used its Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) to collect data from public library outlets in fall 2000 about three areas of interest for adult programming: adult literacy programs, programs for adult lifelong learning, and Internet access for adult independent use. Programs were defined to mean planned activities for groups or individuals that are offered by libraries to provide information, instruction, or cultural enrichment. This report provides information about the extent to which public library outlets offer adult literacy programs, the types of literacy programs offered (adult basic literacy skills, pre-GED, GED, family literacy, and English as a second language instruction for adults), groups for which literacy programs are specifically offered, and reasons that library outlets do not offer adult literacy programs. Information is also provided about nine types of adult lifelong learning programs offered by public library outlets (book or film discussion, cultural performances, recreational activities, employment and career guidance, college/continuing education guidance, financial planning/investment information, parenting skills, citizenship preparation, and computer/Internet instruction), groups for which adult lifelong learning programs are specifically offered, and barriers to providing lifelong learning programs for adults with learning and/or physical disabilities. The report also presents information about the extent to which public library outlets provide access to the Internet to adults for their independent use, and barriers to providing such access.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 2002
Web Release: November 12, 2002
Print Release: November 15, 2002
Publication #: NCES 2003010
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Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Laurie Lewis, Elizabeth Farris
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: Fast Response Survey System (FRSS)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
Peter Tice.
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