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 Pub Number  Title  Date
REL 2008055 Characteristics of California School Districts in Program Improvement
This descriptive analysis provides a statistical profile of California's Title I school districts in program improvement. As an independent analysis of these districts in the aggregate, it is intended to inform the context for district improvement as California rolls out and refines its district intervention strategies.
REL 2008054 Characteristics of Arizona School Districts in Improvement
This descriptive analysis provides a statistical profile of Arizona's lowest performing school districts, which can inform the context for district improvement as Arizona rolls out and refines its district intervention strategies.
NCES 2008309 2003-04 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and 2004-05 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) (CD ROM) Restricted-Use Data with Electronic Codebook
The restricted-use codebook contains the count of responses for each data item and all components of SASS in 2003-2004 and the 2004-2005 TFS. The TFS data and User's manual are the added features to this re-release of the 2003-2004 SASS restricted-use ECB.
NCES 2006313 Characteristics of Schools, Districts, Teachers, Principals, and School Libraries in the United States: 2003-04 Schools and Staffing Survey
The Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) is the nation’s most extensive sample survey of elementary and secondary schools and the teachers and administrators who staff them. This report introduces the data from the fifth administration (2003-04) of SASS. It is intended to give the reader an overview of the SASS data for the school year 2003-04 through tables of estimates for public, private, and BIA-funded schools and their staff. For example, one of the findings from the data is that 77 percent of public school districts required full standard state certification in the field to be taught when considering teaching applicants. Also, 82 percent of all public school teachers reported having 4 or more years of full-time teaching experience. These highlights, and others in the report, were not selected to emphasize any particular issue, and they should not be interpreted as representing the most important findings in the data. They are simply examples of the kinds of data that are available in the 2003-04 SASS. In addition, complex interactions and relationships have not been explored.
NCES 2005865 Developments in School Finance: 2004
This report contains papers presented at the 2004 annual NCES Summer Data Conference. Discussions and presentations dealt with such topics as measuring school efficiency, analyzing the return on education investment, calculating education costs per student, and assessing the financial condition of school districts.
NCES 2005335 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and 2000-01 Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS) CD-ROM: Public-Use Data with Electronic Codebook
This updated public-use electronic codebook contains frequency counts of responses for each data item and most respondents from the 2000-01 Teacher Follow-up Survey, in addition to the previously released 1999-2000 SASS data. Copies of the 1999-2000 SASS questionnaires are available at:; see the Online Availability for the TFS questionnaires.
NCES 2005302 School Library Media Centers: Selected Results From the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002)
This report provides an overview of the current state of school library media centers that serve U.S. 10th-graders. It contains summarized findings from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002) library media center survey. The ELS:2002 library media center survey, primarily administered to school librarians, examined various aspects of school libraries—their space, organization, collections, resources, staffing, and use. In addition, 10th-graders provided information on their use of and opinions about their school libraries. This report presents findings for schools by the following school characteristics: school sector, school urbanicity, school region, grade span, school enrollment, and the percentage of students receiving free or reduced-priced lunch in grade 10. Findings for students are presented by the following characteristics: sex, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), composite achievement test score in grade 10, student’s school sector, student’s school urbanicity, and student’s school region.
NCES 2004325 Developments in School Finance: 2003
This report contains papers presented at the 2003 annual NCES Summer Data Conference. The scholars' papers address teacher turnover; financing urban schools; the costs of improving student performance; distinguishing good schools from bad in principle and practice; an evaluation of the efficacy of state adequacy and equity indicators; school finance reform in Vermont; and school accountability.
NCES 2003406 A Quick Guide to Education Data Resources
This tabletop reference focusing on selected NCES web site tools was designed for librarians, students, and parents. This brochure has directions for turning it into a freestanding display for reference desk and Internet workstations.
NCES 2000302 Developments in School Finance, 1998
The focus of this publication is to address the theme, “How to measure school performance in a tangible way.” Articles included in this compilation revolve around the current and future financial status of school districts, how to portray that condition, and the significance of that standing for school performance.
NCES 1999048 How Old are America's Public Schools?
Issue brief discussing average age of schools, where oldest schools are located, whether schools are differentially connected to internet because of age.
NCES 98232 1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey Data File User's Manual, Public-Use Version
The 1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey data in this report links responses from the 1994-95 school year to characteristics of those same teachers who participated in the 1993-94 school year SASS. Within this report, there are some data that are drawn directly from the 1993-94 SASS. These data are termed "base year" because the SASS sample is the "base" for the teachers who are selected for the Teacher Followup Survey.
NCES 96219 Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Districts: School Year 1994-95
This report presents information on the number of public schools by type.
NCES 94074 SASS and PSS Questionnaires 1993-94
These are the survey forms used to administer the SASS and PSS in 1993-94.
NCES 91091 E.D. TAB: Teacher Survey on Safe, Disciplined, and Drug-Free Schools
This report presents statistics on teachers' perspectives of issues related to safety, discipline, and drug use prevention in public elementary and secondary schools. A national sample of 1,350 public school teachers responded to questions concerning the extent of discipline problems within schools and the nature and effectiveness of current policies and drug education programs. Keywords: safety in schools; drugs in schools; discipline in schools
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