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New Jersey Division

840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 310
West Trenton, New Jersey   08628
Phone (609) 637-4200   Fax (609) 538-4913

About the New Jersey Division Office

Overview of the Federal Highway Administration

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was established in 1967 as one of the operating administrations within the United States Department of Transportation. The agency has been in existence since 1893. Prior to 1967, the agency was known by other names such as the Office of Road Inquiry and the Bureau of Public Roads. Through the years, our name has changed, but our dedication to providing world class transportation in America has remained the same.

The organizational structure of FHWA consists of the Washington Headquarters, the Resource Center, 52 Division offices and the Federal Lands Highway offices. Approximately one half of FHWA's employees are located in Washington, D.C., where legislation and regulations are developed. The "Resource Centers" provide technical expertise and serve the technical needs of the Division offices. The centers act as an internal consultant to the Divisions on technical issues. The Division offices are located in the 50 States, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. These offices work closely with their respective State Highway Agency to implement the Federal-aid program. The Federal Lands Highway offices handle road construction projects on Federal and publicly owned lands such as National Parks. There are three Federal Lands Highway offices and numerous project offices across the nation.

Under the Federal-aid highway program, FHWA does not decide which roads and bridges will be improved or who will do the work. Instead, the Federal-aid highway program is a Federally assisted, State-administered partnership. The State Transportation Agencies, working with local officials and acting through metropolitan and statewide planning processes, determine where the Federal funds should be spent. FHWA provides technical assistance and approvals at key phases of the project, including compliance with related laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act.

Why Does the New Jersey Division Office Exist?

At the national level, the Federal Highway Administration exists to "create the best transportation system in the world." Its mission is to "continually improve the quality of our Nation's highway system and its intermodal connections."

The New Jersey Division office contributes to these national objectives by focusing on the following products and services:

  1. Customer Service
    • Empathy for customer concerns
    • Offering cost-effective options to solve customer problems
    • Ensuring customers are knowledgeable of FHWA policies and procedures
    • Informing customers of FHWA's limitations based on law and regulations
    • Providing fair and equitable treatment for all customers
    • Being responsive to customer needs
    • Developing effective partnerships
  2. Quality
    • Ensuring the highest quality project plans which consider community desires
    • Matching new technologies to identified needs/problems
    • Sharing information on "best practices"
  3. Measurable Results
    • Improving the operation of New Jersey's transportation system
    • Improving the condition of New Jersey's transportation infrastructure
    • Improving safety on New Jersey's transportation system
    • Streamlining the project delivery system
    • Enhancing the environment
    • Efficiently and effectively using Federal-aid funds

Division Office Performance Plan

The role of the Division Office is to assure that the New Jersey portion of the Nation's transportation system meets the needs of all citizens. This is accomplished through our assistance to the State of New Jersey in delivering a quality transportation program through the Federal-aid highway program. To help accomplish these goals and to determine our performance, the Division office develops a Performance Plan each year through a collaborative process utilizing teams comprised of Division and NJDOT staff.

FY 2006 Division Accomplishment Report (html)  | (pdf)

FY 2007 Strategic Implementation Plan (html)  | (pdf)

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