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Automatic Processing

YellowstoneContin index map
All time series by latitude
All time series by longitude

All time series by latitude, last 90 days
All time series by longitude, last 90 days

AHID ITRF2000 filtered
BBID ITRF2000 filtered
BCYI ITRF2000 filtered
BIL1 ITRF2000 filtered
GTRG ITRF2000 filtered
HAMG ITRF2000 filtered
HVWY ITRF2000 filtered
LKWY ITRF2000 filtered
MAWY ITRF2000 filtered
NOMT ITRF2000 filtered
NRWY ITRF2000 filtered
OFW2 ITRF2000 filtered
OFWY ITRF2000 filtered
P045 ITRF2000 filtered
P051 ITRF2000 filtered
P356 ITRF2000 filtered
P360 ITRF2000 filtered
P456 ITRF2000 filtered
P458 ITRF2000 filtered
P459 ITRF2000 filtered
P460 ITRF2000 filtered
P461 ITRF2000 filtered
P676 ITRF2000 filtered
P678 ITRF2000 filtered
P680 ITRF2000 filtered
P681 ITRF2000 filtered
P684 ITRF2000 filtered
P686 ITRF2000 filtered
P706 ITRF2000 filtered
P708 ITRF2000 filtered
P709 ITRF2000 filtered
P710 ITRF2000 filtered
P711 ITRF2000 filtered
P713 (No data)
P715 ITRF2000 filtered
P716 ITRF2000 filtered
P717 ITRF2000 filtered
P718 ITRF2000 filtered
P719 ITRF2000 filtered
P720 ITRF2000 filtered
P721 ITRF2000 filtered
P722 ITRF2000 filtered
TSWY ITRF2000 filtered
WLWY ITRF2000 filtered

GPS Waypoint File

Google Earth network map

M 1+ earthquakes, past seven days (colored by age)

GPS Velocities for YellowstoneContin

YellowstoneContin net map
Coastlines Black lines are state borders and coastlines.
Faultlines Red lines, if present, are geologic (Jennings map) faultlines.
Blue lines are water.
Roads Gray lines are roads.
Yellow, blue, and red squares are earthquakes during the last week, day, and hour.
Blue stations indicate positions that have been updated within the last three days since 2009/01/13.

Yellow stations indicate positions that have not been updated for between 4 and 7 days since 2009/01/13.

Orange stations indicate positions that have not been updated for between 8 and 14 days since 2009/01/13.

Red stations indicate positions that have not been updated for more than 14 days since 2009/01/13.

The earthquakes shown are for one week prior to the last earthquake update.

Last earthquake update:
Tue Jan 13 12:03:53 UTC 2009
To convert UTC to local time see this list or this table.

Real-time Earthquake Maps
Files used in creating velocity map:
North America fixed ITRF2000 velocity file
ITRF2000 velocity file
Regionally filtered velocity file
Google Earth network map
Google Earth M 1+ earthquakes, past seven days (colored by age)

Preliminary Global Positioning System results. Clicking on a station code will take you to a plot of the north, east and up components of the station as a function of time.

The station velocities are in an ITRF2000-NA-fixed reference frame. The reference frame is described more fully under the Summary Info button on each station page. See gp processing. for more information about the processing. Please read disclaimer below.


Be advised that these results are preliminary. The station positions are unchecked and should not be used for any engineering applications. There may be errors in the antenna heights. The velocities are very dependent on the length of the span of observations. The presence of outliers (errant observations) sometimes contaminates the velocities.
Caveat emptor.