
1D. Katz, "A Journey We Did Not Want To Take," Worth, (April 1995), pp. 87-96, 118-125.

2K.W. Crenshaw, "Race, Reform and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimization in Antidiscrimination Law," Harvard Law Review, 101 (1988), p. 1331.

3M.R. Mahoney, "Victimization or Oppression? Women’s Lives, Violence, and Agency," in The Public Nature of Private Violence: The Discovery of Domestic Abuse, ed. M.A. Fineman and R. Mykitiuk (New York: Routledge, 1994), pp. 59-92.

4R.C. Davis and L.N. Friedman, "The Emotional Aftermath of Crime and Violence," in Trauma and Its Wake, ed. C.R. Figley (New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1985), pp. 90-112; A.J. Lurigio and P.A. Resick, "Healing the Psychological Wounds of Criminal Victimization: Predicting Postcrime Distress and Recovery," in Victims of Crime: Problems, Policies, and Programs, eds. A.J. Lurigio, W.G. Skogan, and R.C. Davis (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990), pp. 50-67.

5R. Janoff-Bulman, "The Aftermath of Victimization: Rebuilding Shattered Assumptions," in Trauma and Its Wake, ed. C.R. Figley (New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1985), pp. 15-33.

6Lurigio and Resick, "Healing the Psychological Wounds of Criminal Victimization: Predicting Postcrime Distress and Recovery," pp. 50-67; D.S. Riggs and D.G. Kilpatrick, "Families and Friends: Indirect Victimization by Crime," in Victims of Crime: Problems, Policies, and Programs, eds. A.J. Lurigio, W.G. Skogan, and R.C. Davis (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990), pp. 120-138.

7R. Davis, B. Taylor and S. Bench, The Impact of Sexual and Non-Sexual Assault on Secondary Victims (New York: Victim Services, 1994).

8J.L. Herman, Trauma and Recovery (New York: Basic Books, 1992), p. 119.

9R. Davis, B. Taylor and S. Bench, The Impact of Sexual and Non-Sexual Assault on Secondary Victims.

10M.J. Lerner, D.T. Miller, and J.G. Holmes, "Deserving and the Emergence of Forms of Justice," in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 9, ed. L. Berkowitz and E. Walster (New York: Academic Press, 1976).

11Herman, Trauma and Recovery.

12B. Simos, A Time to Grieve: Loss as a Universal Human Experi- ence (New York: Family Service Association of America, 1979), p. 228.

13W.G. Skogan and M.G. Maxfield, Coping with Crime: Individual and Neighborhood Reactions, (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981), p. 230.

14E. Stark, "Framing and Reframing Battered Women," in Domestic Violence: The Criminal Justice Response, ed. E. Buzawa (New York: Auburn House, 1992), p. 282.

15L. Lebowitz, M.R. Harvey, and J.L. Herman, "A Stage-By- Dimension Model of Recovery from Sexual Trauma," Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 9 (3) (1993), pp. 378-391.

16A.A. Stein, "Conflict and Cohesion: A Review of the Literature," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 20 (1976), pp. 143-172.

17Herman, Trauma and Recovery.


19R.L. Silver, C. Boon and M.L. Stones, "Searching for Meaning in Misfortune: Making Sense of Incest," Journal of Social Issues, 39 (1983), pp. 83-103.

20Herman, Trauma and Recovery, p. 209.

21Skogan and Maxfield, Coping with Crime: Individual and Neighborhood Reactions, p. 230.

22Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1977, cited in Skogan and Maxfield, Coping with Crime: Individual and Neighborhood Reactions, p. 230.

23E.S. Cohn, L. Kidder and J. Harvey, "Crime Prevention vs. Victimization: The Psychology of Two Different Reactions," Victimology, 3 (3-4) (1978), pp. 285-296.

24Skogan and Maxfield, Coping with Crime: Individual and Neighborhood Reactions.

25Herman, Trauma and Recovery, p. 209.

26Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor (New York: Ferrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978).

27S. Felman and D. Laub, Testimony: Crisis of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History (New York: Routledge, 1992), p. 24.

28 Ibid.

29"Mother of Two Murder Victims Provides Solace for Others on Her Talk Show," New York Times, 17 April 1995.

30S. Schechter, Women and Male Violence (Boston: South End, 1982).

31D. Terry, "Victims’ Families Fight for Mercy," The New York Times, 1 February 1996, p. A-10.

32F.J. Weed, "The Victim-Activist Role in the Anti-Drunk Driving Movement," The Sociological Quarterly, 31 (3) (1990), pp. 459-473.

33Lebowitz, Harvey, and Herman, "A Stage-By-Dimension Model of Recovery from Sexual Trauma."

34Skogan and Maxfield, Coping with Crime: Individual and Neighborhood Reactions.

35J.H. Lord, Personal Communication, 1995.

36Skogan and Maxfield, Coping with Crime: Individual and Neighborhood Reactions.

37E. Stark, "Mandatory Arrest of Batterers: A Reply To Its Critics," American Behavioral Scientist, 36 (5), (Jones & Schechter, 1993).

38Herman, Trauma and Recovery.

39A number of writers have pointed out how society’s common misperception of battered women as "victims without agency" fails to recognize their capacity to act even within a system of oppression. M.R. Mahoney, "Victimization or Oppression? Women’s Lives, Violence and Agency"; K.W. Crenshaw, "Race, Reform and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimization in Antidiscrimination Law"; E.M. Schneider, "Particularity and Generality: Challenges of Feminist Theory and Practice in Work on Woman- Abuse," New York University Law Review, 67 (3) (1992), pp. 520-568.

40Stark, "Mandatory Arrest of Batterers: A Reply To Its Critics," American Behavioral Scientist, pp. 651-680.

41J.H. Lord, Victim Impact Panels: A Creative Sentencing Opportunity (Dallas: Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 1990); D. Mercer, R. Lorden, and J. Lord, "Victim and Situational Characteristics Facilitation of Impending Post-Victimization Functioning." Presentation at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, 27 October 1993.

42Lord, Victim Impact Panels: A Creative Sentencing Opportunity.

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