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Title:  The Civic Development of 9th Through 12th Grade Students in the United States: 1996
Description: Concern that the next generation of Americans may not be willing or able to engage in the democratic process has been growing. The report is designed to study this concern by focusing on five key factors associated with a desire and an ability to participate politically: levels of political knowledge; attention to politics; political participatory skills; degrees of political efficacy; and tolerance of diversity. These are collectively referred to as "measures of civic development" for the purposes of this report. All of the measures of civic development are found in the National Household Education Survey of 1996 Youth Civic Involvement component. The data collected in this survey allow civic development of 9th through 12th grade students to be studied in relation to their demographic characteristics, activities in and out of school, and family and school backgrounds. Of particular interest, because of its prominence in recent educational theory and national dialogues and legislation, is the relationship between students' participation in community service and their civic development.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 1998
Web Release: December 3, 1998
Print Release: December 3, 1998
Publication #: NCES 1999131
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Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Richard Niemi, Christopher Chapman
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: National Household Education Survey (NHES)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
Chris Chapman.
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