EPA EJ Grant Opportunities | Region 10 | US EPA

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EPA EJ Grant Opportunities

National Information

Current Grant Opportunities

2008 Environmental Justice Small Grants

In April 2008, the “Environmental Justice Small Grants Program Application Guidance FY 2008 (PDF)” (525KB, 42 pages) was released. This notice is also available in Spanish (PDF) (470KB, 45 pages). This notice announced the availability of funds and solicited applications from eligible entities and non-profit organizations working on, or planning to work on, a project that addresses a local environmental and public health issue within an affected community.

This program is designed to help communities understand and address their exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. The application period closed on June 30, 2008.

Grant applications are currently being reviewed and grant awards will be announced on September 30, 2008.

EPA's Office of Environmental Justice provides funding for community-based projects through several possible grants programs. Listed below are links to some of the most relevant programs for environmental justice work.

Local Navigation

URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/ocrej.nsf/Environmental+Justice/Grant+Opportunities

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