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Rule and Implementation Information for Marine Vessel Loading Operations

(Docket# A-90-44)

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Rule Information Technical Information Implementation Information

Rule Information

Subpart Y- National Emission Standards for Marine Vessel Loading Operations

File Download
5/13/94 59 FR 25004 Proposed Rule Federal Standards for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations-Proposal
8/31/94 59 FR 44955 Notice Re-opening Public Comment Period
3/8/95 60 FR 12723 Notice Re-opening Public Comment Period
9/19/95 60 FR 48388 Final Rule Federal Standards for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations-Final Rule

    Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance


    Docket Index -not currently available

Technical Information

    Technical Support Document/Response to Comments

      Federal Standards for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations and National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations--Technical Support Document for Final Standards (NTIS Number PB95-234514)

      FACT Sheets

        Fact Sheet

      Economic Analysis


    Implementation Information

      Implementation Documents (no files currently available)

      Source Identification and Location Information  (no files currently available)

      Outreach and Training Materials  (no files currently available)

      Permitting Information  (no files currently available)

      Compliance and Enforcement Information  (no files currently available)

      Other (no files currently available)

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