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Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment

Grant Number R832362

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  • Journal Article (3)
  • Presentation (38)
  • Proceedings (2)
  • Report (1)
  • Reference Type Reference Title Journal Author Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Journal Article  Significance of fomites in the spread of respiratory and enteric viral disease. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Boone SA, Gerba CP Boone SA, Gerba CP.  Significance of fomites in the spread of respiratory and enteric viral disease.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2007;73(6):1687-1696. R832362 (2007)
  • Full-text: ASM Full Text
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  • Abstract: NIH Abstract
  • Journal Article  Persistence of category A select agents in the environment. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Sinclair R, Boone SA, Greenberg D, Keim P, Gerba CP Sinclair R, Boone SA, Greenberg D, Keim P, Gerba CP.  Persistence of category A select agents in the environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2008;74(3):555-563. R832362 (2007)
  • Abstract: NIH Abstract
  • Journal Article  Addressing failure factors in knowledge management. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Weber RO Weber RO.  Addressing failure factors in knowledge management. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 2007;5(3):333-346. R832362 (2007)
  • Full-text: EJKM Full Text PDF
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  • Abstract: EJKM Abstract
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  • Presentation Transport phenomena at intersections at low Reynolds numbers. None Austin RG, Romero P, Choi CY Austin RG, Romero P, Choi CY. Transport phenomena at intersections at low Reynolds numbers. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL, May 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Dose response modeling of Yersinia pestis (plague causitive organism) reveals high levels of dispersion. None Bartrand TA, Kurugatta BB, Haas CN Bartrand TA, Kurugatta BB, Haas CN. Dose response modeling of Yersinia pestis (plague causitive organism) reveals high levels of dispersion. Poster presented at the Drexel University Research Day, April 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Dose response modeling of Yersinia pestis (plague causative organism) reveals high levels of dispersion. None Bartrand TA, Kurugatta BB, Haas CN Bartrand TA, Kurugatta BB, Haas CN. Dose response modeling of Yersinia pestis (plague causative organism) reveals high levels of dispersion. Presented at the Annual Department of Homeland Security University Network Summit on Research and Education, Washington DC, March 15-16, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Public communication needs for plague bioterrorism incidents. None Casman E Casman E. Public communication needs for plague bioterrorism incidents. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, December 3-6, 2006. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Risk communication planning for dynamic situations: the aftermath of a plague bio bio-attack. None Casman E, Fischhoff B Casman E, Fischhoff B. Risk communication planning for dynamic situations: the aftermath of a plague bio bio-attack. Presented at the DHS Summit on Research and Education, Washington, DC, March 15-16, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Water quality modeling at the water village. None Choi CY Choi CY. Water quality modeling at the water village. Presented at the Annual Department of Homeland Security University Network Summit on Research and Education, Washington DC, March 15-16, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Responding to anthrax contamination: listening to surfaces and talking to people. None Gurian, Ward D, Kenyon Gurian, Ward D, Kenyon. Responding to anthrax contamination: listening to surfaces and talking to people. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, December 3-6, 2006. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Determining inactivation rates of MS-2 coliphage on fomites. None Henley JB, Boone SA, Rose JB, Gerba CP Henley JB, Boone SA, Rose JB, Gerba CP. Determining inactivation rates of MS-2 coliphage on fomites. Poster presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Toronto, Canada, May 21-25, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Implications of detection limit of various methods of Bacillus anthracis in computing risk to human health. None Herzog AB, Pandey A, Shibata T, Rose JB, Hashsham SA Herzog AB, Pandey A, Shibata T, Rose JB, Hashsham SA. Implications of detection limit of various methods of Bacillus anthracis in computing risk to human health. Poster presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Toronto, Canada, May 21-25, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Evaluation of complete and incomplete mixing models in water distribution pipe network simulations. None Ho CK, Choi CY, McKenna S Ho CK, Choi CY, McKenna S. Evaluation of complete and incomplete mixing models in water distribution pipe network simulations. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL, May 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Infection acquisition dynamics and timing of exposure doses. None Koopman JS, Pujol JM, Eisenberg JNS Koopman JS, Pujol JM, Eisenberg JNS. Infection acquisition dynamics and timing of exposure doses. Presented at the Society of Epidemiological Research (SER), Boston, Massachusetts, June 19-22, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Human recreational risk in nearshore waters of the Florida Keys. None Masago Y, Lipp EK, Futch JC, Griffin DW, Rose JB Masago Y, Lipp EK, Futch JC, Griffin DW, Rose JB. Human recreational risk in nearshore waters of the Florida Keys. Poster presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Toronto, Canada, May 21-25, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Risk assessment of the cryptosporidiosis outbreak at a recreational water spray park in New York State. None Masago Y, Rose JB Masago Y, Rose JB. Risk assessment of the cryptosporidiosis outbreak at a recreational water spray park in New York State. Presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Toronto, Canada, May 21-25, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Risk characterization and management. None Masago Y Masago Y. Risk characterization and management. Presented at the QMRA Workshop at the International Water Association (IWA) Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, September 9, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Risk-based analysis of cryptosporidiosis outbreak at recreational water spray park in New York State. None Masago Y, Rose JB Masago Y, Rose JB. Risk-based analysis of cryptosporidiosis outbreak at recreational water spray park in New York State. Presednted at the International Water Association (IWA) Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-15, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation The application of food microbial growth models to in-vivo Francisella tularensis growth in laboratory animals. None McGarry W, Bartrand TA, Haas CN McGarry W, Bartrand TA, Haas CN. The application of food microbial growth models to in-vivo Francisella tularensis growth in laboratory animals. Presented at the Drexel REU Student Poster Sessions, August 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Instructor for QMRA exercises. None Mesago Y Mesago Y. Instructor for QMRA exercises. QMRA Workshop at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 20, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation A Bayesian statistical modeling approach for Bacillus anthracis dose-response data. None Mitchell-Blackwood J, Gurian P, Weir M Mitchell-Blackwood J, Gurian P, Weir M. A Bayesian statistical modeling approach for Bacillus anthracis dose-response data. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Meeting, December 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation A bacillus anthracis dose response model. None Mitchell-Blackwood J, Gurian PL, Weir M Mitchell-Blackwood J, Gurian PL, Weir M. A bacillus anthracis dose response model. Presented at the Ninth Annual Research Day at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, April 17, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Potential of quantum dots as surrogates for microbial pathogens and evaluation of their genotoxicity. None Pandey AK, Herzog AB, Rose JB, Hashsham SA Pandey AK, Herzog AB, Rose JB, Hashsham SA. Potential of quantum dots as surrogates for microbial pathogens and evaluation of their genotoxicity. Presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Toronto, Canada, May 21-25, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Prediction of contaminants in water distribution systems using artificial neural networks. None Romero P, Austin RG, Choi CY Romero P, Austin RG, Choi CY. Prediction of contaminants in water distribution systems using artificial neural networks. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL, May 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment. Presented at Michigan Technology University, November 9-10, 2006 (AEESP Distinguished Lecturer). R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment. Presented at Oklahoma University, December 7-8, 2006. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment.Presented at Arizona State University, November 13-15, 2006. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment. Presented at University of Reno, April 5-6, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment. Presented at Texas A&M, April 12-13, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment. Presented at McGill University, February 7-8, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advancing microbial risk assessment. None Rose JB Rose JB. Advancing microbial risk assessment. Presented at North Carolina State, March 26-27, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Advances in microbial risks toward enhancing water supply security. None Shibata T Shibata T. Advances in microbial risks toward enhancing water supply security. Presented at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Michigan Water Security Summit, Lansing, MI, June 6, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Evaluation of virus recovery methods from fomites using a Virus surrogate, bacteriophage P22. None Shibata T, Cologgi DL, Masago Y, Shumate WJ, Williams LB, Dials K, Rose JB Shibata T, Cologgi DL, Masago Y, Shumate WJ, Williams LB, Dials K, Rose JB. Evaluation of virus recovery methods from fomites using a Virus surrogate, bacteriophage P22. Poster presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Toronto, Canada, May 21-25, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Exposure assessment. None Shibata T Shibata T. Exposure assessment. Presented at the QMRA Workshop at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 20, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Exposure assessment. None Shibata T Shibata T. Exposure assessment. Presented at the 2nd QMRA Summer Institute, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, August 19-23, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Quantitative microbial risk assessment of water-related disasters. None Shibata T, Rose JB Shibata T, Rose JB. Quantitative microbial risk assessment of water-related disasters. Poster presented at the International Water Association (IWA) Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-15, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Criteria for microbial surrogates for assessing fate and transport of pathogens in the environment. None Sinclair R, Gerba CP Sinclair R, Gerba CP. Criteria for microbial surrogates for assessing fate and transport of pathogens in the environment. Poster presented at the International Water Association (IWA) Health Related Water Microbiology (HRWM) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-15, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Effect of host species on the dose-response of inhaled Bacillus anthracis spores. None Weir MH, Haas CN, Bartrand TA Weir MH, Haas CN, Bartrand TA. Effect of host species on the dose-response of inhaled Bacillus anthracis spores. Presented at the First Annual Drexel University Research Symposium, April 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Effect of host species on the dose-response of inhaled Bacillus anthracis spores. None Weir MH, Haas CN, Bartrand TA Weir MH, Haas CN, Bartrand TA. Effect of host species on the dose-response of inhaled Bacillus anthracis spores. Poster presented at the Drexel University Research Day, Drexel University, April 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Effect of host species on the dose-response of inhaled bacillus anthracis spores. None Weir MH, Haas CN, Bartrand TA Weir MH, Haas CN, Bartrand TA. Effect of host species on the dose-response of inhaled bacillus anthracis spores. Poster presented at the Annual Department of Homeland Security University Network Summit on Research and Education, Washington DC, March 15-16, 2007. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Presentation Quantification of the effect of host age on dose-response of variola major in suckling mice. None Weir MH, Haas CN Weir MH, Haas CN. Quantification of the effect of host age on dose-response of variola major in suckling mice. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, December 3-6, 2006. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Proceedings Generating reports from case-based knowledge artifacts. None Weber RO, Gunawardena S, Proctor JM Weber RO, Gunawardena S, Proctor JM.  Generating reports from case-based knowledge artifacts.  In:  Wilson D, Sutcliffe G, eds. Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2007), Menlo Park, CA: The AAAI Press, p. 445. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Proceedings Designing multifunctional knowledge management systems. None Weber R, Gunawardena S Weber R, Gunawardena S. Designing multifunctional knowledge management systems.  In:  Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), Waikoloa, HI, January 7-10, 2008, p. 368. R832362 (2007)
    not available
    Report Instruction manual for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). None Shibata T, Gurian P, Rose JB, Haas CN, Choi C, Nicas M, Koopman J Shibata T, Gurian P, Rose JB, Haas CN, Choi C, Nicas M, Koopman J.  Instruction manual for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA).  CAMRA 2nd QMRA Summer Institute, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. R832362 (2007)
    not available

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