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Standard: Pop-ups

About this standard

Required or Recommended Required
Effective date 09/28/2005
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A pop-up is a window, smaller than the full screen, intended to supplement the primary browser window.

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Content requirements

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Style requirements

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Examples of acceptable pop-up content:

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Web visitors find pop-ups annoying. Some don't notice that a new window has opened, and if they are used to clicking on the back button, they may be confused by the fact that they can't back out (the back button is grayed out). Some also may not understand that they must close the new window to return to the original content. In addition, if a pop-up blocker on the visitor's PC prevents a pop-up from opening, the visitor may assume the link is broken. By default, some browsers prevent pop-ups from being opened.

The EPA look and feel takes up a lot of screen space. Including the template would require a much larger pop-up window. It makes the pop-up window look like a new page. A white background with no other branding helps distinguish a pop-up window from a normal EPA page.

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See Also

New Browser Windows

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Full Metadata about this standard

Name Pop-ups
Tracking number NT00000000
Type Standard
Required or Recommended Required
Effective date 09/28/2005
Date approved 09/28/2005
Category Links and Navigation, Scripts and Codes, Things to Avoid
Web Council review by 09/07/2008 (or earlier if deemed necessary by the Web Council)
Governing Policy Web Governance and Management (PDF) (4 pp, 339K, About PDF)

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