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National Science Foundation

REU Sites

REU SITES: Physics

This listing will change as new REU Site awards are made. A number of REU Site proposals for summer 2008 are still under review, including renewal proposals for some of the Sites listed here. Sites will be added to or removed from this list as decisions are made on those proposals. Most Physics REU Sites provide opportunities spanning the full range of research of the indicated departments or laboratories, and include both experimental and theoretical activities. Some Sites focus on research in a particular sub-field or in a more specialized laboratory or facility. Others offer projects in related fields like astronomy and astrophysics, or in interdisciplinary areas like materials science or biophysics. Interested students can use the keyword search feature to identify those sites with projects in a particular area, or can simply explore each Site’s web pages to learn more about these programs. Physics students are also encouraged to consider REU Sites in related fields, including Materials Research, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, and Geosciences, which often have components of research of interest to physicists.

Site Information Contact Information Additional Information

Alabama A&M University
REU-SITE at Alabama A&M University
Huntsville, AL 35762

Primary: Mostafa Dokhanian
(256) 372-8131
Secondary: Mohammed R. Karim
(256) 372-4835

Research Topics/Keywords: Fiber optics, Electro optics, Photonics, Biophotonics, Mathematics, Signal processing and Statistics
Comments: EPSCoR funding for 1st year. Mentor Program offered.
Abstract of Award

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Baylor University
Baylor REU/RET Program
Physics, CASPER
Waco, TX 76798-7310

Primary: Truell Hyde

Research Topics/Keywords: astrophysics, complex plasmas, space physics, surface physics, strings, QCD, early universe cosmology, teachers
Comments: Separate webpage for RET program. http://www.baylor.edu/casper/index.php?id=20536
Abstract of Award

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Brigham Young University
REU Site: Physics Research at Brigham Young University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Provo, UT 84602-1231

Primary: Steve Turley

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic physics, metrology, condensed matter, astronomy, acoustics, ultrafast nonliner optics, computational & experimental plasma physics, extreme ultraviolate optics, surface physics, transmission el
Comments: Students from 2-year colleges are encouraged to apply. RET support.
Abstract of Award

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Bucknell University
REU Site: Summer Research Program in Physics
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Primary: Beth Cunningham

Research Topics/Keywords: Statistical mechanics, quantum optics, nerve impulses, computer simulations, pattern formation, chaos in complex systems, phase structures, transitions of biological liquid crystals, exotic atoms, las
Abstract of Award

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REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics
Pasadena, CA 91125

Primary: Kenneth Libbrecht

Research Topics/Keywords: Research in the detection of gravitational radiation from astrophysical sources, including laser interferometry, optical components, electronics, servo controls, complex mechanical systems, data anal
Comments: RET component
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)

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Coe College
Coe College REU Program
Departments of Physics and Chemistry
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Primary: Susan Noreuil

Research Topics/Keywords: spectroscopy, optics, material science, acoustics, gas phase chemistry, environmental chemistry, chemical synthesis
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Chemistry, Department of Defense (DoD)

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Columbia University, Nevis Labs
REU Site at Nevis Labs, Columbia University
New York, NY 10027

Primary: John Parsons

Research Topics/Keywords: Experimental high energy and experimental astroparticle physics
Abstract of Award

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Cornell University
REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Elementary Particle Physics, Accelerator Physics and Synchrontron Radiation Science
Laboratory of Nuclear Studies
Ithaca, NY 14853

Primary: Monica Wesley

Research Topics/Keywords: Elementary Particle Physics, Accelerator and Synchrotron Radiation Science.
Abstract of Award

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CUNY Queensboro Community College
A Community College REU Site for Physics Applications in Astronony and Biology
Bayside, NY 11364-1497

Primary: Dr. David Lieberman

Research Topics/Keywords: Physics, Astronomy and Biology
Comments: RET component
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Astronomical Sciences

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Duke University/Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab
REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Nuclear Physics at TUNL/Duke University
Department of Physics
Durham, NC 27708

Primary: John Kelley

Research Topics/Keywords: Nuclear Physics, low-energy nuclear physics
Abstract of Award

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Hampton University
Undergraduate Institute in Physics-Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site
Hampton, VA 23668

Primary: Claudia Rankins

Research Topics/Keywords: Nuclear, particle, optical and medical physics and atmospheric sciences.
Comments: RET support.
Abstract of Award

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Hope College
Hope College Physics and Engineering
Holland, MI 49422-9000

Primary: Catherine M. Mader

Research Topics/Keywords: Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, Fracture Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Non-linear Control, Science Education, Chemical Engineering
Abstract of Award

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Indiana University
REU Site in Physics at Indiana University
Department of Physics and Indiana University Cyclotron
Bloomington, IN 47405-7105

Primary: Professor John Carini

Research Topics/Keywords: Experimental and theoretical research in accelerator physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, elementary particle physics, materials, nuclear physics, and medical physics
Abstract of Award

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Kansas State University
REU Site: Laser-Matter Interactions on Atomic and Nanoscales
Department of Physics
Manhattan, KS 66506

Primary: Oliver L. Weaver
(785) 532-1616

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics and Condensed Matter Physics
Comments: Ethics component included. Co-funded with the Division of Materials Research and SES.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Materials Research

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Lehigh University
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Primary: John Huennekens

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Physics of Fluids, Plasma Physics, Solid State Physics, Statistical Physics
Abstract of Award

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Michigan State University
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
East Lansing, MI 48824-2320

Primary: Daniel Stump
517-355-9200 x2031

Research Topics/Keywords: Nuclear physics, Condensed matter physics, High-energy physics, Astrophysics, Biophysics
Abstract of Award

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National Institute of Standards and Technology
SURFing the Physics Lab, a NIST-NSF Partnership
Physics Laboratory
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

Primary: Marc Desrosiers

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, optical tweezers, Quantum Computing, ionizing radiation applications in Medical Physics
Abstract of Award

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Ohio Wesleyan University
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation at Ohio Wesleyan University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Delaware, OH 43015-2370

Primary: Dr. Brad Trees

Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomy, Computer science, Mathematics/Statistics and Physics
Comments: RET component.
Abstract of Award

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Old Dominion University
REU at ODU: Accelerator and Nuclear Physics
Norfolk, VA 23539-2561

Primary: Hari Areti
Secondary: Gail E. Dodge

Research Topics/Keywords: Accelerator and Nuclear Physics
Abstract of Award

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Purdue University
REU Site: Multidisciplinary Physics at Purdue University
Physics Department
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2036

Primary: Stephen M. Durbin

Research Topics/Keywords: Nanoscience, Astrophysics, Condensed matter, biophysics, particle physics, geophysics, atomic physics, applied physics, theoretical physics, and others.
Comments: Funds RET component.
Abstract of Award

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
REU Site in Physics at Rensselaer
Troy, NY 12180-3590

Primary: Gwo-Ching Wang

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, Astrobiology, Condensed Matter Physics, Terahertz Science, Optical Physics, Particle and Nuclear Physics
Abstract of Award

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Rice University
Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the Rice Quantum Institute
Department of Chemistry
Houston, TX 77005-1892

Primary: Bruce R. Johnson

Research Topics/Keywords: Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Chemistry, Materials Research, Department of Defense (DoD)

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San Jose State University
REU: Physics REU at SJSU
San Jose, CA 95192-0106

Primary: Dr. Michael Kaufman

Research Topics/Keywords: Laser spectrometers, Astrophysics, Optics, Condensed matter, Atmospheric Physics and Computational Physics
Abstract of Award

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Santa Fe Institute
REU Interns at the Santa Fe Institute
Santa Fe, NM 87501-6188

Primary: Dr. Ginger Richardson

Research Topics/Keywords: Biological, Social and Physical Sciences; Non-linear math and research in complex adaptive systems
Abstract of Award

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SRI International
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Atomic, Molecular, and Laser Physics
Molecular Physics Laboratory
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Primary: Konstantinos Kalogerakis
Secondary: Gregory Faris

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Laser Physics, Atmospheric Science, Planetary Science, Biomedical Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Molecular Spectroscopy, Aeronomy
Abstract of Award

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State University of New York at Stony Brook
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics and Astronomy
Department of Physics
Stony Brook, NY 11794

Primary: Erlend Graf

Research Topics/Keywords: Physics and astronomy, planetary sciences, atmospheric physics, high energy particle physics, instructional laboratory instrumentation, laser & optics, nuclear physics & solid state/ condensed matter
Abstract of Award

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Texas A&M University
REU site: Nuclear and Particle Science at Texas A&M University
Department of Chemistry
College Station, TX 77843-3255

Primary: Dr. Sherry Yennello

Research Topics/Keywords: nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear dynamics, thermodynamics, nuclear structure, RHIC, neutrinos, supersymetry, atomic ionizations and radiation effects
Abstract of Award

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Texas Christian University
A Physics and Astrophysics REU Site at TCU
Physics and Astronomy
Fort Worth, TX 76129

Primary: Pam Marcum

Research Topics/Keywords: Physics, Astrophysics and Materials Resesarch
Comments: Recruit minority students. Co-funded with the Division of Materials Research.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Materials Research

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The College of William and Mary in Virginia
Physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates and Teachers
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

Primary: Carol Hankins
Secondary: William J. Kossler (Jack)

Research Topics/Keywords: Laser Physics, Laser atoms interactions, Condensed Matter physics, neutrino physics, nuclear and particle physics, THz spectroscopy, polymer physics, surface physics, ultra-sonics, NDE, BEC on a chip,
Comments: Teachers
Abstract of Award

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The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University Summer Physics Institute
Department of Physics
Columbus, OH 43210-1106

Primary: Robert Scherrer

Research Topics/Keywords: astrophysics, nuclear physics, high energy physics, condensed matter physics, atomic, molecular, and optical physics
Abstract of Award

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The University of Michigan
LHC Summer Research Experience
Department of Physics
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120

Primary: Jean Krisch

Research Topics/Keywords: High Energy Physics, Collabrative tools
Comments: Supports High School Teachers.
Abstract of Award

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Towson University
An REU/RET Site in Materials Research At Towson University
Department of Physics
Towson, MD 21252

Primary: David Schaefer

Research Topics/Keywords: Materials, Physics, Chemistry; Includes Participation of Pre-College Teachers
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Physics

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University of Arizona
REU Site: Summer Bridge Program in Experimental Physics
Department of Physics
Tucson, AZ 85721

Primary: Robert L. Thews

Research Topics/Keywords: Experimental Physics, Astronomy, Optical Sciences, Lunar and Planetary Studies and Atmospheric Sciences
Comments: Target participants at local community college. Students at a similar stage of education from all geographical areas may also be accepted.
Abstract of Award

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University of California - Davis
REU Site in Physics at UC-Davis
Department of Physics
Davis, CA 95616

Primary: Rena Zieve

Research Topics/Keywords: condensed matter, biophysics, computational complex systems, environmental physics, nuclear physics, high energy physics, cosmology
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Materials Research

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University of California at San Diego
REU Site: Physics Research Experience for Undergraduates at UCSD
La Jolla, CA 92093-0319

Primary: Charmaine Samahin

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, Plasmas, Condensed Matter,Nonlinear Physics, Biophysics and Nanoscience
Comments: Ethics component.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Ethics and Values Studies

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University of California, Los Angeles
REU Site: Frontier Physics and Astronomy Research with Technical Presentations
Department of Physics
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Primary: Francoise Queval

Research Topics/Keywords: Plasma physics, condensed matter, cosmic ray physics, high energy physics, astrophysics and biophysics.
Abstract of Award

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University of Chicago
Summer Research Projects in Contemporary Physics for Women and Minorities
Chicago, IL 60637-1434

Primary: Sidney Nagel

Research Topics/Keywords: High Energy, Astrophysics, Relativity, Condensed Matter Physics, Non-linear Dynamics, Biophysics
Abstract of Award

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University of Colorado, Boulder
Research Experience for Undergraduates at Physics/JILA
Physics, JILA
Boulder, CO 80309-0390

Primary: Dan Dessau
Secondary: Jeanini Reinke

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic, Molecular, Optical, Biophysics, Condensed Matter physics, Elementary Particle, Nuclear physics, Plasma physics and Geophysics.
Abstract of Award

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University of Florida
International REU Site for Gravitational Physics
Department of Physics
Gainesville, FL 32611-8440

Primary: Dr. Bernard Whiting
Secondary: Dr. Guide Mueller

Research Topics/Keywords: International collaborators with Japan and UK
Comments: Analysis of LIGO, planning for LISA
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: International Science and Engineering

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University of Idaho
An Idaho Physics Department Based Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site
Moscow, ID 83844-0903

Primary: Wei J. Yeh

Research Topics/Keywords: Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Materials Science, Atomic and Molecular Physics and Biophysics
Abstract of Award

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
REU in Physics at UIUC
Department of Physics
Urbana, IL 61801-3080

Primary: Toni Pitts

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, High-Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Physics Education Research, Physics of Music
Abstract of Award

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University of Iowa
Undergraduate Research in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Iowa City, IA 52242

Primary: Mary Hall Reno

Research Topics/Keywords: physics, astronomy, medical physics, materials and condensed matter, plasma physics, high energy physics, space physics
Abstract of Award

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University of Maryland at College Park
REU Site: Training and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics (TREND)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College Park, MD 20742

Primary: Wesley Lawson

Research Topics/Keywords: nonlinear dynamics, chaos, plasma physics, accelerator physics, turbulence, optical systems
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)

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University of Michigan
REU Site Program at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN)
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120

Primary: Jean Krisch

Research Topics/Keywords: High Energy physics, International Lab, anti-matter experiments
Comments: RET Support. Students travel to CERN and BURN in Geneva, SZ and carry out research.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: International Science and Engineering

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University of Minnesota
REU Site: Physics at the University of Minnesota
School of Physics & Astronomy
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Primary: Serge Rudaz
(612) 624-5022

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter, Cosmology, High Energy Particle Physics, Physics Education and Space Physics.
Comments: RET Support.
Abstract of Award

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University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4002

Primary: John Farley

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic, Molecular, and Laser Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Pressure Physics, Astronomy
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Education and Human Resources

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University of New Mexico
The Los Alamos Summer School REU Site
Physics and Astronomy
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Primary: Sally Seidel

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, Condensed Matter, Applied Physics, Biophysics, Astronomy, AMO, Quantum computing, Particle Physics
Comments: The school is held at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the campus of UNM-Los Alamos
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)

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University of Notre Dame
REU Site: Physics REU and RET Programs at the University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Primary: Umesh Garg

Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, High-Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics and Physics education.
Comments: RET Support. Co-funded with the Division of Materials Research and OMA.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Materials Research

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University of Oklahoma
Renewal of REU/RET Physics site at the University of Oklahoma
Physics and Astronomy
Norman, OK 73019

Primary: Kieran Mullen

Research Topics/Keywords: Theoretical and experimental work in astrophysics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics
Comments: RET Support.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Education and Human Resources

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University of Oregon Eugene
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry and Physics
Department of Chemistry
Eugene, OR 97403

Primary: Geraldine Richmond

Research Topics/Keywords: chemistry, physics, chemical physics, nanoscience, materials chemistry, green chemistry, theoretical chemistry, polymer chemistry, photonics, optics, biophysics, laser spectroscopy, surface science
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Physics

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University of Pittsburgh
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics -- Focus on Minorities
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Primary: James Mueller

Research Topics/Keywords: condensed matter, phase transitions, mechanical engineering, MRI, physical chemistry, interfaces, scattering, biomaterials,microscopy, high energy physics, neutrinos, medium energy physics, astrophy
Abstract of Award

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University of Rochester
REU Site in Physics and Astrophysics at Rochester
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Rochester, NY 14627

Primary: Connie Jones

Research Topics/Keywords: Astrophysics, particle & nuclear physics, quantum optics, condensed matter, biological, plasma, geo- and environmental physics and physics education.
Comments: RET support.
Abstract of Award

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University of Toledo
Research Experiences in Physics and Astronomy at The University of Toledo
Physics and Astronomy
Toledo, OH 43606

Primary: Thomas Kvale

Research Topics/Keywords: Astronomy, Atomic Physics, Biological Physics, Condensed Matter, Materials Science, Optronics, Plasma Physics
Abstract of Award

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University of Washington
REU SITE: University of Washington Physics
Seattle, WA 98195

Primary: Warren Buck
Secondary: Wick Haxton

Research Topics/Keywords: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
Abstract of Award

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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Summer Research Experience for Undergraduate Physics Majors (REU) and Teachers (RET) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Physics
Milwaukee, WI 53211

Primary: Robert Wood

Research Topics/Keywords: Optics, laser physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, high Tc superconductivity, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational wave detection (LIGO project), computational techniques
Comments: RET recruitment will concentrate on the Milwaukee Public School System; other local school districts will be considered if suitable applicants present themselves.
Abstract of Award

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Washington State University
REU Site: Extreme Matter
Department of Physics
Pullman, WA 99164-3140

Primary: Ms. Sabreen Dodson

Research Topics/Keywords: Atomic Molucular and Optical Physics, Bose-Einstein condensates, quantum chaos and matter subjected to large pressures.
Comments: High Mentor-to-Student ratio.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)

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Wayne State University
Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers at Wayne State
Detroit, MI 48202

Primary: Giovanni Bonvicini

Research Topics/Keywords: Particle physics, nuclear physics, teachers
Abstract of Award

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Wright State University
REU in Physics at Wright State University, the Air Force Institute of
Department of Physics
Dayton, OH 45435-0001

Primary: Dr. Doug Petkie

Research Topics/Keywords: atomic and molecular physics, optics and lasers, spectroscopy, remote sensing, plasmas, chemical physics, solid state physics, materials science, superconductivity, nanophysics and biological physic
Comments: Students from two-year colleges and those with physical disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)

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Jul 10, 2008
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Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008