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Organizational and Expertise Directory (Spring 2008)  

Office of Infrastructure R&D

Fax: 202-493-3442 (HRDI-01, HRDI-02, HRDI-07)
Fax: 202-493-3086 (HRDI-03, HRDI-05, HRDI-10)
Fax: 202-493-3161 (HRDI-04, HRDI-11, HRDI-12, HRDI-13)
Fax: 202-493-3477 (HRDI-06)

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Office of Infrastructure R&D
Technical Direction, Bridges and Structures R&D
Technical Direction, Pavement R&D
Bridge Design and Construction Team
Bridge Safety, Reliability and Security Team
Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team
Pavement Materials and Construction Team
Pavement Design and Performance Modeling Team
Long-Term Pavement Performance Team


Office of Infrastructure R&D, HRDI-01

Gary L. Henderson
HRDI-01, Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Program direction and guidance for the Office of Infrastructure Research and Development (R&D)
  • Technical and administrative supervision of Infrastructure R&D teams
  • Interaction with headquarters and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Resource Center

Major Projects

  • Consolidated research, development and technology (RD&T) multiyear needs, programs, and budget
  • National Partnership Initiative advancement
  • Corporate management strategies development

Backup Person
John M. Cracken

John McCracken
HRDI-01, Research Program Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • Policy, direction, and management support to Office Director
  • Program development and delivery direction to Infrastructure R&D teams

Major Projects

  • Infrastructure R&D management strategies and business practices
  • Infrastructure Research and Technology (R&T) Program development

Backup Person
Cheryl Richter

Hiwot Abdi
HRDI-01, Administrative Program Assistant

Primary Responsibilities

  • Administrative support for the Infrastructure R&D Program

Major Projects

  • Time and attendance personnel documents
  • Team leader council meeting plans and minutes
  • Office supplies
  • Office communication activities

HRDI-04, Administrative Assistant

Primary Responsibilities

  • Administrative support to the Technical Director for Pavements, the Advanced Research Coordinator, the Pavement Materials and Construction Team, the Pavement Design and Performance Modeling Team, and the Long-Term Pavement Performance Team

HRDI-01, Administrative Assistant (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • Administrative support to the Office Director; Research Program Manager; Program Coordinator; Technical Director for Bridges; the Bridge Design and Construction Team; the Bridge Safety, Reliability, and Security Team; and the Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team

Cara Fitzgerald
HRDI-02, Program Coordinator

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advice to Office Director on office operations
  • Program coordination and monitoring
  • Fiscal accountability within the office

Major Projects

  • Office management initiatives
  • Program and budget monitoring
  • Accountable property inventory updates

Technical Direction, Bridges and Structures R&D, HRDI-03

Ian M. Friedland
Technical Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Leadership and technical direction for bridge- and structures-related programs and studies
  • Promotion of RD&T products

Major Projects

  • Program and budget documents
  • External partnerships development
  • Technology facilitation for bridges and other highway structures

Technical Direction, Pavement R&D, HRDI-04

Cheryl Richter
Technical Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Leadership and technical direction for pavement-related programs and studies
  • Promotion of RD&T products

Major Projects

  • Program and budget documents
  • External partnerships development
  • Technology facilitation for pavements

Advanced Research Coordinator, HRDI-05

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advanced research

Major Projects

  • Embeddable sensor systems
  • Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) for materials characterization
  • Materials science of portland cement concrete (PCC) setting
  • PCC durability

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Bridge Design and Construction Team, HRDI-06

Bill Wright
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Bridge Design and Construction Team Leader
  • High-performance steel research

Major Projects

  • Bridge of the Future
  • Fatigue and fracture
  • Corrosion resistant steel

Backup Person
Mike Adams
Fassil Beshah

Mike Adams
Research Civil Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Geotechnical Laboratory Manager
  • Retaining wall systems
  • Construction engineering
  • Shallow foundations engineering
  • Engineering geology

Major Projects

  • Bridge of the Future
  • Integrated Abutment Bridge System
  • Geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) structures

Backup Person
Carl Ealy

Carl Ealy
Geotechnical Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Deep foundations engineering
  • In situ testing techniques
  • Innovative load testing systems
  • Load and resistance factor design (LRFD) for geotechnical engineering

Major Projects

  • Resistance factors for piles and drilled shafts
  • Application of high performance materials to bridge foundations
  • Health monitoring technologies for foundation construction and performance

Backup Person
Mike Adams

Fassil Beshah
Structures Laboratory Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • Structures Laboratory Manager
  • High-performance materials

Major Projects

  • Bridge of the Future
  • High-performance material applications for bridges

Backup Person
Bill Wright

Benjamin Graybeal
Research Structural Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • High-performance concrete
  • Ultra high-performance concrete
  • Structural testing
  • Concrete bridges

Major Projects

  • Bridge of the Future
  • High-performance concrete bridges
  • Concrete specifications
  • High-performance materials

Backup Person
Bill Wright

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Bridge Safety, Reliability, and Security Team, HRDI-07

Sheila Rimal Duwadi
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Bridge Safety, Reliability, and Security Team Leader
  • Timber bridge research
  • Bridge design
  • Bridge and tunnel security

Major Projects

  • Bridge and tunnel security research program
  • Advanced wood/fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites

Backup Person
Harold Bosch

Harold Bosch
Research Structural Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Aerodynamics Laboratory Manager
  • Structural dynamics
  • Aerodynamic stability
  • Wind loads on structures
  • Weigh-in-motion

Major Projects

  • Wind research
  • Aerodynamic stability of bridges
  • Wind-induced vibration of cables
  • Aerodynamic properties of tapered cylinders
  • Prediction methods for aerodynamic response
  • Computational fluid dynamic flow simulation techniques

Backup Person
Sheila Rimal Duwadi

Kornel Kerenyi
Research Hydraulic Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Hydraulics Laboratory Manager
  • Hydraulics and hydrology of highway structures

Major Projects

  • Bridge scour
  • Pressure flow scour
  • Culvert hydraulics
  • Bottomless culverts
  • Highway drainage
  • Multihazard modeling

Backup Person
Sheila Rimal Duwadi

Eric Munley
Research Structural Engineer


Primary Responsibilities

  • FRP composites
  • Adhesive-bonded connections
  • Security assessment and training
  • Vessel collision
  • Bridge and tunnel security

Major Projects

  • FRP pre-stressing
  • Adhesives research
  • FRP specification development
  • Accelerated test development for FRP materials
  • Bridge and tunnel vulnerability assessments
  • Countermeasure Assessments
  • Bridge and tunnel security research

Backup Person
Sheila Rimal Duwadi

Bridge Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • General bridge engineering
  • Culverts
  • Historic structures

Major Projects

  • Seismic vulnerability assessment
  • Covered bridge preservation

Backup Person
Sheila Rimal Duwadi

Phillip Yen
Research Structural Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Seismic research program
  • LRFD design for structures

Major Projects

  • Bridge vibration testing
  • Bridge seismic instrumentation
  • Seismic vulnerability
  • Multihazard analysis of highway structures
  • Seismic performance testing
  • United States-Japan research in bridge seismic design and retrofitting

Backup Persons
Sheila Rimal Duwadi

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Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team, HRDI-10

Joey Hartmann
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team Leader

Major Projects

  • Stewardship and management of existing bridges
  • NDE
  • Bridge management systems
  • Corrosion and coating

Backup Person
Hamid Ghasemi

Hamid Ghasemi
Research Structural Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
  • Bridge Management Information Systems Laboratory Manager
  • Structural health monitoring
  • Bridge dynamics
  • Earthquake protective systems
  • United States-Turkey collaboration on bridge design and health monitoring related issues

Major Projects

  • Health monitoring of signature bridges
  • Earthquake protective systems
  • Bridge dynamics and modal testing
  • Seismic isolation
  • Near-source ground motions

Backup Person
Joey Hartmann

Research Chemist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Bridge Coatings Laboratory Manager
  • Bridge coating research
  • Paint testing and coating evaluation methods
  • Oversight of Paint, Corrosion, and Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratories
  • Dissemination of coating research results
  • Solutions for field coating failure problems

Major Projects

  • Accelerated test methods for evaluation of coating materials
  • Performance evaluation of fast drying coatings

Backup Person
Seung-Kyoung Lee

Seung-Kyoung Lee
Research Corrosion Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Corrosion protection of highway structures
Major Projects
  • Corrosion of reinforced concrete bridge elements
  • Material integrity testing for bridges

Backup Person
Paul Virmani

Paul Virmani
Research Chemist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Corrosion protection systems
  • Bridge deck durability

Major Projects

  • Corrosion costs and preventive strategies
  • Nondestructive tools for corrosion detection
  • Cathodic protection systems
  • Corrosion resistant reinforcement

Backup Person
Seung-Kyoung Lee

Frank Jalinoos
Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Program Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • NDE Validation Center Manager
  • Bridge NDE
  • Steel Bridge Testing Program

Major Projects

  • NDE technologies for bridges
  • Ground-penetrating radar (GPR), including the High-speed Electromagnetic Roadway Mapping and Evaluation System (HERMES) and the Precision Electromagnetic Roadway Evaluation System (PERES)
  • Crack detection methods
  • Condition assessment of prestressed tendons
  • Automated ultrasonic testing
  • FHWA Steel Bridge Testing Program

Backup Person
Hamid Ghasemi

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Pavement Materials and Construction Team, HRDI-11

Jack Youtcheff
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Team Leader
  • Pavement Materials and Construction Research

Major Projects

  • Understanding the performance of modified binders in asphalt mixes
  • Moisture sensitivity of asphalt
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developement (OECD) long-life pavements
  • Asphalt Research Consortium
  • Asphalt durability

Backup Persons
Nelson Gibson
Richard Meininger

Ernest Bastian
Materials Research Chemist

Primary Responsibilities

  • SIMAP Laboratory Manager
  • Asphalt rheology and chemistry

Major Projects

  • Fundamental properties of asphalt and modified asphalt
  • National Research Council research associate manager

Backup Person
Jack Youtcheff

Fred Faridazar
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Computer guidelines for PCC pavement performance prediction
  • Long-term behavior of jointed concrete pavement
  • Early-age behavior of continuously reinforced concrete pavement
  • Lithium technologies to mitigate or prevent alkali-silica reactivity (ASR)

Major Projects

  • Computer-based guidelines for concrete pavements

Backup Person
Richard Meininger

Nelson Gibson
Materials Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Asphalt Laboratory Manager (Binder and Mixture)
  • Accelerated Loading Facility (ALF) research
  • Asphalt technology

Major Projects

  • Superpave modification
  • Warm mix
  • Performance tests
  • Understanding the performance of modified binders in asphalt mixes

Backup Person
Jack Youtcheff

Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Concrete materials research

Backup Person
Richard Meininger

Richard Meininger
Research Highway Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Laboratories Manager
  • PCC component materials, properties, and specifications
  • PCC mixture proportioning
  • PCC properties and performance
  • Aggregate Research

Major Projects

  • Concrete mix design & analysis
  • Rapid test for alkali-silica susceptibility
  • PCC freeze-thaw performance
  • PCC thermal coefficient of expansion-test method and data for Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database

Backup Person
Jack Youtcheff

Dennis Sixbey
Research Materias Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Laboratory services support
  • Surface characteristics
  • PCC pavement materials

Backup Person
Jack Youtcheff

Terrence Arnold
Materials Research Chemist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Chemistry Laboratory Manager
  • Asphalt chemistry and technology

Major Projects

  • Fundamental properties of asphalt, modified asphalt and alternative materials
  • Understanding the performance of modified binders in asphalt mixes
  • Akali-silica reactivity

Backup Person
Jack Youtcheff
Ernest Bastian

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Pavement Design and Performance Modeling Team, HRDI-12

Katherine Petros
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Team Leader
  • Pavement design and performance modeling

Major Projects

  • Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
  • Mechanistic performance prediction models
  • Performance-related specifications

Backup Persons
Peter Kopac
Nadarajah Sivianeswaran

Eric Weaver
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Computation Resource Manager
  • Pavement structural design
  • Pavement analysis techniques

Major Projects

  • Design Guide Implementation Team
  • Pavement performance prediction models
  • Asphalt Research Consortium
  • FWD Calibration Pooled Fund Study
  • Geosynthetics in pavements

Backup Person
Katherine Petros

James Sherwood
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • PCC pavement design and performance
  • PCC pavement maintenance and rehabilitation

Major Projects

  • Design Guide Implementation Team
  • Concrete performance prediction modeling
  • Ultra-thin whitetopping

Backup Persons
Katherine Petros
Peter Kopac

Nadarajah Sivaneswaran (Siva)
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Pavement performance modeling
  • Pavement management systems
  • Life cycles cost analysis
  • Remaining service life

Major Projects

  • Life cycle cost analysis
  • Mechanistic analysis of pavement structures
  • Performance prediction modeling
  • Construction analysis for pavement rehabilitation strategies (CA4PR5) development
  • Composite pavements

Backup Persons
Katherine Petros
James Sherwood

Peter Kopac
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advanced quality systems
  • Pavement sperformance-related specifications
  • Statistical quality control
  • Quality assurance specifications

Major Projects

  • Performance-related specifications
  • Optimal statistical acceptance procedures
  • Relating construction to performance
  • Concrete pavement road map
  • FRP composites

Backup Persons
Katherine Petros
James Sherwood

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Long-Term Pavement Performance Team, HRDI-13

Aramis López
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • LTPP Team Leader
  • LTPP product coordination

Major Projects

  • LTPP daily operations
  • LTPP technical support services
  • LTPP international coordination
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB) LTPP Committee
  • TRB LTPP Expert Task Groups (ETG)

Backup Person
Jack Springer

Jack Springer
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • LTPP field operations
  • LTPP materials testing
  • LTPP seasonal monitoring data
  • LTPP distress data collection
  • LTPP Automated Weather Stations
  • LTPP Materials Reference Laboratory
  • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' Subcommittee on Materials - Secretary

Major Projects

  • Regional contract support
  • Resilient Modulus and material testing
  • TRB ETG on LTPP operations

Backup Person
Aramis López

Deborah Walker
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • LTPP traffic activities
  • LTPP communications

Major Projects

  • Specific Pavement Studies Traffic Pooled Fund Study
  • LTPP traffic analysis software
  • LTPP traffic data collection
  • LTPP traffic data forecasting and backcasting
  • TRB ETG on Traffic

Backup Person
Aramis López

Jane Jiang
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • LTPP database activities
  • LTPP FWD operations
  • LTPP documentation

Major Projects

  • FWD calibration
  • LTPP database management
  • TRB ETG on LTPP operation

Backup Person
Aramis López

Larry Wiser
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • LTPP Customer Support Service Center (CSSC)
  • LTPP data analysis
  • LTPP profile measurement
  • LTPP data studies and computed parameters

Major Projects

  • LTPP CSSC operations
  • Data analysis projects and contracts
  • TRB ETG on LTPP operation and data analysis

Backup Person
Aramis López

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FHWA Organizational Chart

RD&T Organizational Chart

Office of the Associate Administrator

Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management

Office of Resource Management

Office of Operations R&D

Office of Safety R&D

Office of Infrastructure R&D


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