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Undergraduate Research

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Research Opportunities
for Undergraduates

Research opportunities for undergraduates in all fields are a valuable component of the educational environment at the University of California. UC's undergraduate research also helps the state in a number of areas: It prepares students for careers in science and technology, the cornerstones of California's new economy, and provides opportunities for students to study firsthand the complex social issues facing California. Undergraduate research inspires a new generation of qualified students to engage in the kind of high-level graduate work that ensures continued innovation in California's leading industries. These experiences also help prepare better-informed and prepared teachers who are committed to solving real-life problems in California's classrooms.

More on undergraduate research opportunities around the UC system

Visit the campuses to learn more about these opportunities and their importance to UC students and the future of our society, schools and economy:

Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz

Searchable database for UC campus and multicampus
research centers



Undergraduate Poster Session
Each year, UC’s outstanding student researchers compete in a systemwide competition that helps spotlight the many ways UC's undergraduate research contributes to California. Faculty deans select their top undergraduate researchers in the arts, humanities and sciences. The winning research projects are displayed at the State Capitol, where winners are honored alongside their faculty advisors during the annual ‘UC Day’ in Sacramento, at which alumni, donors and friends represent the University to elected representatives.

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