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These Standing Orders of The Regents of the University of California were adopted by The Regents on April 18, 1969, at which time all previous Standing Orders were rescinded. This edition includes amendments adopted up to and including November 2008.

100. Officers of the University
100.1 Designation and To Whom Responsible
100.2 Employment Status
100.3 Compensation
100.4 Duties of the President of the University
100.5 Duties of the Vice Presidents
100.6 Duties of the Chancellors
100.7 Duties of the Other Officers of the University

101. Faculty Members and Other Employees of the University
101.1 Employment Status
101.2 Compensation

103. Special Provisions Concerning Officers, Faculty Members,
         and Employees of the University
103.1 Service Obligations
103.2 Privilege of Hearing Before the Academic Senate
103.3 Equivalent Ranks and Privileges
103.4 Sabbatical Leaves
103.5 Emeritus Status
103.6 Date of Retirement
103.7 Severance Compensation
103.8 Death Benefit
103.9 Tenure
103.10 Security of Employment

105. Academic Senate
105.1 Organization of the Academic Senate
105.2 Duties, Powers, and Privileges of the Academic Senate

110. Academic Units and Related Activities of the University
110.1 Academic Units and Functions, Affiliated Institutions, and Related Activities of the University
110.2 Matters Relating to Residency
110.3 Diplomas

120. Retirement Systems
120.1 The University of California Retirement System
120.2 Other Retirement Systems
120.3 Governing Provisions

130. Changes in the Standing Orders of the Regents
130.1 Repeal and Amendment of the Standing Orders

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