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  National Labs > Labs and the Environment

The three UC-managed national laboratories conduct world-class research on a wide range of major environmental challenges, from energy efficiency and air pollution, wildfires and earthquakes, groundwater remediation and habitat restoration to the mysteries of the stars overhead.

The following links will take you to just some of the cutting-edge environmental programs at the Berkeley, Livermore and Los Alamos labs.

Environmental Energy Technologies
Earth Sciences Division:
    Energy Resources Program
    Center for Environmental Biotechnology
    Climate Change and Global Warming
    Environmental Remediation Technology
    Microbial Ecology and Environmental Engineering
    Hydrogeology and Reservoirs
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center -
    NERSC enables computational science of scale,
    in which large, interdisciplinary teams of scientists
    attack fundamental problems in science and engineering
    that require massive calculations and have broad scientific
    and economic impacts.
Research Review Magazine (find articles on such environmental-
    related topics as energy efficiency, fuel cells and
    environmental cleanup by issue date and topic)

Earth and Environmental Sciences
Energy Research
Center for Geosciences
Astrophysics Research Center
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics

Los Alamos
Meteorology and Air Quality
Environmental Restoration Project
Environmental Science and Waste Technology News Releases
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Seismic Studies
Energy and Sustainable Systems
Risk Reduction and Environmental Stewardship
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Wildfire Modeling

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