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  Health > Occupational and Environmental Health

Nationwide, nearly 56,000 people die from a workplace injury and more than 3 million suffer disabling work injuries each year, with an estimated $171 billion annually in direct and indirect costs. To provide the research and professional care to combat workplace and environmental hazards, the University of California's regional centers offer multi-disciplinary programs in medicine, nursing, public health and related fields to help train occupational and environmental health specialists for careers in industry, universities and government. The centers also deliver UC services directly to the public through clinical services, labor/community education programs, and continuing professional education.

Systemwide Occupational and Environmental Health and
     Safety Program

Berkeley - Davis - San Francisco
Los Angeles

More UC Resources
Davis School of Medicine - Department of Public Health Sciences
Irvine Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Los Angeles Division of Occupational-Environmental Medicine
San Francisco Division of Occupational and Environmental

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