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Museums and Archives

Visual and
Performing Arts

Arts in the

Botanical Gardens
and Herbaria

Aquariums and
Marine Centers


Natural Reserves

TV, Radio, Newspapers

UC Press

Cultural Resources


Cultural Resources > Museums and Archives

Museum and arts gateway
Berkeley Natural History Museums
Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Essig Museum of Entomology
Lawrence Hall of Science
UC Museum of Paleontology
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Museum Informatics Project

Richard L. Nelson Gallery and The Fine Arts Collection
Arts and culture gateway
Craft Center Gallery
Design Museum
Carl N. Gorman Museum
Memorial Union Art Gallery
Bohart Museum of Entomology
Shields Library art
Computer Museum

The Davis campus has additional exhibits at other facilities, including the Walter A. Buehler Alumni & Visitors Center and the Museum of Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, Geology Museum.

Music and Science Computer Information Archive (MuSICA)

Los Angeles
Fowler Museum of Cultural History
UCLA Hammer Museum
Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden
UCLA Film and Television Archive

Culture and arts gateway
Entomology Teaching and Research Museum
UCR/California Museum of Photography
     Photography Series about California
Sweeney Art Gallery
Visual Resources Collection

San Diego
Stuart Collection
University Art Gallery
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Archives

Santa Barbara
University Art Museum
Women's Center Art Gallery
California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives

Santa Cruz
Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery
McHenry Library Exhibitions and Special Collections
Satjajit Ray Film and Study Collection
Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery

National Laboratories
Los Alamos - Bradbury Science Museum

Related UC Resources
Academic Programs in the Arts and Humanities
UC Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Online Archive of California - access to more than 6,000
     collections of manuscripts, photographs and artwork in
     libraries, museums, archives and other institutions
     across California
Arts and Humanities on UCTV


Snake path sculpture
Thanks to the Stuart Collection of Sculpture, the entire UC San Diego campus is a work of art. The unique collection of site-specific works by leading artists of our time is further distinguished from a traditional sculpture garden by integration of some of the projects with university buildings.  

photo glasses
UC literally brings art to the community through the downtown Riverside location of the UCR / California Museum of Photography. The museum's intersection of photography, new imaging media and society explores the critical role photography and related media have in shaping society and our daily lives.

Art in Santa Barbara
The University Art Museum at Santa Barbara has acquired a permanent collection of nearly 7,000 works of art, as well as extensive holdings of architectural drawings. The museum has earned an international reputation over the past 30 years for its creative exhibition program and offers a variety of outreach activities to enhance the educational and aesthetic experience of art for diverse audiences.

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