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Geotechnical Engineering


DOT LogoMemorandum
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Subject: INFORMATION: Publication FHWA-SA-96-069-R
& DP-103 Technical Assistance
Date: March 2, 1999
From: /s/ David H. Densmore
David H. Densmore
Director of Bridge Technology
In Reply
Refer to:


To: Resource Center Directors
Division Administrators
Program Manager, Federal Lands Highway

Distributed with this memorandum is publication No. FHWA-SA-96-069-R, (October 1998) entitled "Manual for Design & Construction of Soil Nail Walls." It is the revised version of Publication SA-96-069 of the same title, which was used as a reference manual for the Soil Nail Workshops conducted in conjunction with Soil Nail Demonstration Project (DP) 103. The old manual was distributed to each of the attendees of the Soil Nail Workshops. The revised manual primarily incorporates clarification and format changes suggested at the workshops. However, the basic design and construction procedure are unchanged. A total of 36 workshops were conducted between February 1997 and February 1999. In addition, technical assistance has been provided to about 20 Department of Transportations (DOTs).

The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance for selecting, designing and specifying soil nailing, where it is technically suited and economically attractive. The above revised manual can further be used as a valuable reference source for geotechnical, structural and construction engineers involved in soil nailing projects. Technical assistance is provided to highway agencies with hands-on experience in design, construction of soil nail walls and interpretation of test data received during the construction.

Sufficient copies are available to provide two copies for each Resource Center, Division Office and State DOTs, and Federal Lands Office. Direct distribution is being made to each Division office (including copies for DOTs). The reports are available to the public from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia. Questions regarding the report and future technical assistance (or workshops) may be directed to Mr. Richard Cheney 202-366-1568 or Mr. Chien-Tan Chang at 202-366-6749.


Silas Nichols
Office of Bridge Technology

This page last modified on 07/14/06

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration