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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Subject: ACTION: Request for FY 2007 Candidates for the Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment Program (Reply Due: April 30, 2007) Date: March 28, 2007
From: /s/ Original signed by
M. Myint Lwin, P.E., S.E.
Director, Office of Bridge Technology
Reply to
Attn of:


To: Directors of Field Services
Federal Lands Highway Division Engineers
Resource Center Director
Division Administrators

The purpose of this memorandum is to announce the FY 2007 solicitation for candidate projects from the States for the Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment (IBRD) Program. As in our June 2006 solicitation, the focus of the IBRD Program is to carry out a program to promote, demonstrate, evaluate, and document the application of innovative designs, materials, and construction methods in the construction, repair, and rehabilitation of bridge and other highway structures.

By this notice, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is soliciting applications for the IBRD Program for FY 2007. The FHWA is focusing on projects which, in addition to meeting statutory criteria of the program, provide substantial benefits relating to highway safety or congestion relief. In addition to traditional projects applications, FHWA invites applications of larger-scale projects that provide strategic safety and congestion benefits under the IBRD Program.

As you know highway safety has been an increasing focus and priority for FHWA over the recent past. Targeting discretionary funding such as IBRD funds, in a results-oriented comprehensive approach to safety, is a means of directing limited discretionary funding to those projects that will yield tangible transportation and safety benefits. With respect to safety, applicants should describe the safety benefits associated with the project or activity for which funding is sought, including whether the project, activity, or improvement:

Increasing mobility by reducing congestion has been a priority for FHWA over the past few years. The application of discretionary funding to improve mobility and reduce congestion will yield tangible transportation and economic benefits that should far exceed the limited amount of discretionary funding provided to the project. These safety and congestion benefits are the types of benefits that the General Accounting Office (GAO) recommended to be assessed in making discretionary grant awards in an earlier report discussing the FHWA discretionary grant process.

In furtherance of measuring the congestion reduction and mobility benefits associated with a project that qualifies for funding under the IBRD Program, within the application, the applicant should describe how the IBRD project, activity or improvement:

For FY 2007, we estimate that approximately 5.3 million is available for the IBRD Program. In the past, we have funded a large number of projects related to accelerated bridge construction, fiber reinforced polymer, and high strength steel and high strength concrete. We encourage States to send project applications in many other areas of innovation and technologies that will help build new, cost-effective innovative material highway bridge applications and at the same time promote safety and congestion relief.

SAFETEA-LU allows the Federal share to vary, and instructs the Secretary of Transportation to determine the Federal share (percentage) of the cost of a project under this section. For FY 2007, actual percentages will depend on the number of eligible projects submitted, the types of innovative material technologies, and the cost of the candidate projects as well as the amount of funds requested by the States.

We request your assistance in identifying FY 2007 candidate projects for IBRD. The projects shall meet one or more of the goals of the programs including increasing safety and reducing congestion. The Federal Register Notice of Funding Availability was published on March 22 and is available at the following link:

Also attached is additional information on the IBRD Program, application procedures, and selection criteria for your use and information. Please discuss the program with your State department of transportation (DOT) to determine its interest in the program and to solicit candidate projects. Please assist this office and your State by determining each candidate's eligibility, by assuring the completeness of each application.

We request that candidate project submissions be received in Headquarters (HIBT-1) no later than April 30, 2007, (however, late applications may be considered to the extent practical). To facilitate widespread dissemination, this memorandum will be posted at: Questions concerning this program should be addressed to Chien-Tan Chang, Office of Bridge Technology, at (202) 366-6749.


Steve Rochlis HCC-30
Vince Barone HIPA-10

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