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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to OASAM

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 30  

Equal Employment Opportunity In Apprenticeship and Training

29 CFR 30.5 - Selection of apprentices.

  • Section Number: 30.5
  • Section Name: Selection of apprentices.

    (a) Obligations of sponsors. In addition to the development of a 
written affirmative action plan to ensure that minorities and women have 
an equal opportunity for selection as apprentices and otherwise ensure 
the prompt achievement of full and equal opportunity in apprenticeship, 
each sponsor shall further provide in its affirmative action program 
that the selection of apprentices shall be made under one of the methods 
specified in the following subparagraphs (1) through (4) of paragraph 
(b) of this section.
    (b) Selection methods. The sponsor shall adopt one of the following 
methods for selecting apprentices:
    (1) Selection on basis of rank from pool of eligible applicants--(i) 
Selection. A sponsor may select apprentices from a pool of eligible 
applicants created in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 
(b)(1)(iii) of this section on the basis of the rank order of scores of 
applicants on one or more qualification standards where there is a 
significant statistical relationship between rank order of scores and 
performance in the apprenticeship program. In demonstrating such 
relationship, the sponsor shall follow the procedures set forth in 
Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures published at 41 CFR part 60-
    (ii) Requirements. The sponsor adopting this method of selecting 
apprentices shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(iii) 
through (vii) of this section.
    (iii) Creation of pool of eligibles. A pool of eligibles shall be 
created from applicants who meet the qualifications of minimum legal 
working age; or from applicants who meet qualification standards in 
addition to minimum legal working age: Provided, That any additional 
qualification standards conform with the following requirements:
    (A) Qualification standards. The qualification standards, and the 
procedures for determining such qualification standards, shall be stated 
in detail and shall provide criteria for the specific factors and 
attributes to be considered in evaluating applicants for admission to 
the pool. The score required under each qualification standard for 
admission to the pool shall also be specified. All qualification 
standards, and the score required on any standard for admission to the 
pool, shall be directly related to job performance, as shown by a 
significant statistical relationship between the score required for 
admission to the pool, and performance in the apprenticeship program. In 
demonstrating such relationship, the sponsor shall follow the procedures 
set forth in 41 CFR part 60-3. Qualifications shall be considered as 
separately required so that the failure of an applicant to attain the 
specified score under a single qualification standard shall disqualify 
the applicant from admission to the pool.
    (B) Aptitude tests. Any qualification standard for admission to the 
pool consisting of aptitude test scores shall be directly related to job 
performance, as shown by significant statistical relationships between 
the score on the aptitude tests required for admission to the pool, and 
performance in the apprenticeship program. In determining such 
relationship, the sponsor shall follow the procedures set forth in 41 
CFR part 60-3. The requirements of this
paragraph (b)(1)(iii)(B) shall also be applicable to aptitude tests 
utilized by a program sponsor which are administered by a state 
employment agency, or any other person, agency, or organization engaged 
in the selection or evaluation of personnel. A national test developed 
and administered by a national joint apprenticeship committee will not 
by approved by the Department unless such test meets the requirements of 
this subsection.
    (C) Educational attainments. All educational attainments or 
achievements as qualifications for admission to the pool shall be 
directly related to job performance as shown by a significant 
statistical relationship between the score required for admission to the 
pool and performance in the apprenticeship program. In demonstrating 
such relationship, the sponsor shall meet the requirements of 41 CFR 
part 60-3. School records or a passing grade on the general education 
development tests recognized by the State or local public instruction 
authority shall be evidence of educational achievement. Education 
requirements shall be applied uniformly to all applicants.
    (iv) Oral interviews. Oral interviews shall not be used as a 
qualification standard for admission into an eligibility pool. However, 
once an applicant is placed in the eligibility pool, and prior to 
selection for apprenticeship from the pool, he or she may be required to 
submit to an oral interview. Oral interviews shall be limited to such 
objective questions as may be required to determine the fitness of 
applicants to enter the apprenticeship program, but shall not include 
questions relating to qualifications previously determined in gaining 
entrance to the eligibility pool. When an oral interview is used, each 
interviewer shall record the questions and the general nature of the 
applicant's answers, and shall prepare a summary of any conclusions. 
Each applicant rejected from the pool of eligibles on the basis of an 
oral interview shall be given a written statement of such rejection, the 
reasons therefor, and the appeal rights available to the applicant.
    (v) Notification of applicants. All applicants who meet the 
requirements for admission shall be notified and placed in the 
eligibility pool. The program sponsor shall give each rejected applicant 
who is not selected for the pool or the program notice of his or her 
rejection, including the reasons for the rejection, the requirements for 
admission to the pool of eligibles, and the appeal rights available to 
the applicant.
    (vi) Goals and timetables. The sponsor shall establish where 
required by Sec. 30.4(d), percentage goals and timetables for the 
admission of minorities and women (minority and nonminority) into the 
pool of eligibles, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 30.4 (d), 
(e), and (f).
    (vii) Compliance. A sponsor shall be deemed to be in compliance with 
its commitments under paragraph (b)(1)(vi) of this section if it meets 
its goals or timetables or if it makes a good faith  effort  to  meet  
these  goals  and timetables. In the event of the failure of the sponsor 
to meet its goals and timetables, it shall be given an opportunity to 
demonstrate that it has made every good faith effort to meet its 
commitments (see Sec. 30.4(f)). All the actions of the sponsor shall be 
reviewed and evaluated in determining whether such good faith efforts 
have been made.
    (2) Random selection from pool of eligible applicants--(i) 
Selection. A sponsor may select apprentices from a pool of eligible 
applicants on a random basis. The method of random selection is subject 
to approval by the Department. Supervision of the random selection 
process shall be by an impartial person or persons selected by the 
sponsor, but not associated with the administration of the 
apprenticeship program. The time and place of the selection, and the 
number of apprentices to be selected, shall be announced. The place of 
the selection shall be open to all applicants and the public. The names 
of apprentices drawn by this method shall be posted immediately 
following the selection at the program sponsor's place of business.
    (ii) Requirements. The sponsor adopting this method of selecting 
apprentices shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1)(iii) 
through (v) of this section relating to the creation of pool of 
eligibles, oral interviews, and notification of applicants.
    (iii) Goals and timetables. The sponsor shall establish, where 
required by Sec. 30.4(d), percentage goals and time- tables for 
admission of minorities and women (minority and nonminority) into the 
pool of eligibles in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 30.4 (d), 
(e), and (f).
    (iv) Compliance. Determinations as to the sponsor's compliance with 
its obligations under these regulations shall be in accordance with the 
provisions of paragraph (b)(1)(vii) of this section.
    (3) Selection from pool of current employees--(i) Selection. A 
sponsor may select apprentices from an eligibility pool of the workers 
already employed by the program sponsor in a manner prescribed by a 
collective bargaining agreement where such exists, or by the sponsor's 
established promotion policy. The sponsor adopting this method of 
selecting apprentices shall establish goals and timetables for the 
selection of minority and female apprentices, unless the sponsor 
concludes, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 30.4 (d), (e), and 
(f) that it does not have deficiencies in terms of underutilization of 
minorities and/or women (minority and nonminority) in the apprenticeship 
of journeyperson crafts represented by the program.
    (ii) Compliance. Determinations as to the sponsor's compliance with 
its obligations under these regulations shall be in accordance with 
provisions of paragraph (b)(1)(vii) of this section.
    (4) Alternative selection methods--(i) Selection. A sponsor may 
select apprentices by means of any other method including its present 
selection method: Provided, That the sponsor meets the following 
    (A) Selection method and goals and timetables. Within 90 days of the 
effective date of this amendment, the sponsor shall complete development 
of the revised selection method it proposes to use along with the rest 
of its written affirmative action program including, where required by 
Sec. 30.4(d), its percentage goals and timetables for the selection of 
minority and/or female (minority and nonminority) applicants for 
apprenticeship and its written analysis, upon which such goals and 
timetables, or lack thereof, are based. The establishment of goals and 
timetables shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 30.4 (d), 
(e), and (f). The sponsor may not implement any such selection method 
until the Department has approved the selection method as meeting the 
requirements of item (B) of this subdivision and has approved the 
remainder of its affirmative action program including its goals and 
timetables. If the Department fails to act upon the selection method and 
the affirmative action program within 30 days of its submission, the 
sponsor then may implement the selection method.
    (B) Qualification standards. Apprentices shall be selected on the 
basis of objective and specific qualification standards. Examples of 
such standards are fair aptitude tests, school diplomas or equivalent, 
occupationally essential health requirements, fair interviews, school 
grades, and previous work experience. Where interviews are used, 
adequate records shall be kept including a brief summary of each 
interview and the conclusions on each of the specific factors, e.g., 
motivation, ambition, and willingness to accept direction which are part 
of the total judgement. In applying any such standards, the sponsor 
shall meet the requirements of 41 CFR part 60-3.
    (ii) Compliance. Determinations as to the sponsor's compliance with 
its obligations under these regulations shall be in accordance with the 
provisions of paragraph (b)(1)(vii) of this section. Where a sponsor, 
despite its good faith efforts, fails to meet its goals and timetables 
within a reasonable period of time, the sponsor may be required to make 
appropriate changes in its affirmative action program to the extent 
necessary to obtain maximum effectiveness toward the attainment of its 
goals. The sponsor may also be required to develop and adopt an 
alternative selection method, including a method prescribed by the 
Department, where it is determined that the failure of the sponsor to 
meet its goals is attributable in substantial part to the selection 
method. Where the sponsor's failure to meet its goals is attributable in 
substantial part to its use of a qualification standard which has 
adversely affected the opportunities of minorities
and/or women (minority and nonminority) for apprenticeship, the sponsor 
may be required to demonstrate that such qualification standard is 
directly related to job performance, in accordance with the provisions 
of paragraph (b)(1)(iii)(A) of this section.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

[43 FR 20760, May 12, 1978, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984]
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