Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) Program Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) Program Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
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Through the IC CAE Program, aspiring college students have the opportunity to obtain the background, knowledge and skills to lead future generations of IC professionals.

Promoting General Competencies

Participating colleges and universities are required to promote general competencies across a broad range of professional skill sets which will prove useful in a business environment. These include:

Bullet Data Collection
Bullet Research
Bullet Analysis
Bullet Critical Thinking
Bullet Communications
Bullet Management
Bullet Strategy and Operations

In cultivating these critical skill sets, participating colleges and universities will:

Bullet Sponsor pre-collegiate outreach in their geographic area
Bullet Build awareness about IC options
Bullet Promote a positive image of public service
Bullet Develop curricula focusing on one or two of the focus areas
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

Five Critical Skill Areas for IC Professionals

Bullet Information Technology Specialists
Bullet Language Specialists
Bullet Political/Economic Specialists
Bullet Threat Environment Specialists
Bullet Science Specialists