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National Science Foundation
Office of Integrative Activities
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Major Research Instrumentation Program Crosscutting Programs NSF Wide Flag


Award Organization Project Director Award Amount
Project Title
0420462 Alabama A&M University Jalloh $315,868
Development of Structure and Material Laboratories for Engineering and Technology Programs at Alabama A&M Univerisity
0418088 American Museum of Nat Hist Harlow $231,000
0420403 Amherst College Williamson $300,383
Confocal Fluorescence Microscope for Faculty Research and Undergraduate Research Training at Amherst College
0421115 Appalachian State Univ Martin $351,990
MRI: New Visions: Acquisition of a confocal laser scanning microscope for integrating research and research training in Biology
0420666 Auburn University Prorok $304,421
Acquisition of an Analytically Based Field Emission SEM
0420889 Augustana College Narske $85,590
MRI/RUI Replacement and Up Scaling of a GC-MS to Enhance Faculty & Undergraduate Research and Chemistry Education at Augustana College
0420984 Baylor College of Medicine Lichtarge $300,000
Acquisition of a Cluster Computer for Digital Biology
0420802 Baylor University Garner $353,367
Acquisition of a 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer
0421139 Beloit College Mandell $147,657
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Biophysical Studies: Differential Scanning Calorimeter and Isothermal Titration Calorimeter
0420836 Berea College Pearce $800,000
Development of a New Generation of Miniature Search/Rescue Robots
0421581 Berea College Saderholm $261,166
Mass Spectrometry and Undergraduate Research and Training
0421583 Bernice P Bishop Museum Puttock $101,582
Acquisition of equipment for genetic analyses and long-term DNA storage
0421017 Boston College Ding $126,000
Acquisition of cryogenic UHV facilities for a combined ARPES-STM system for research and education of novel materials
0420921 Brandeis University Fraden $157,500
Acquisition of equipment to construct microfluidic instruments for use in chemistry, biology, and materials science.
0421081 Bridgewater State College Brush $304,630
Acquisition of a 300 MHz NMR to Enhance Faculty and Undergraduate Research and Chemical Education at Bridgewater State College
0421199 Brown University Guduru $249,515
Acquisition of a Nanoindentation System for Multi-disciplinary Research and Education in Nano and Bio-Mechanics of Materials
0421543 California Inst of Tech Scherer $700,808
Acquistion of Dual Beam FIB/SEM for Nanofabrication
0421568 California Inst of Tech Gharib $412,384
Development and fabrication of a novel defocusing ultrasonic imaging camera
0421557 California Poly Pomona Fdn, Inc Wang $125,300
Acquisition of Seismic Simulating System for Integrated Research and Educadtion in Structural Engineering
0420662 California St U Sacramento Fdn Dixon $205,729
Development and Applications of Aerosol Charge and Aerosol Photoionization Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography
0421537 California State LA Univ Aux Serv Momand $347,328
MRI: Acquisition of a Proteome Analyzer
0421272 California State U Fresno Putirka $148,421
MRI: Acquisition of an X-ray Diffraction Instrument: Developing an Interdisciplinary Research/Teaching X-ray Diffraction Laboratory
0421494 California State U Fullerton Fdn Armstrong $99,356
Acquisition of Gravity Surveying Equipment for Tectonic and Applied Geology Studies
0420615 California State U Hayward Groziak $426,574
Acquisition of a High-Field Multi-Nuclear FT-NMR Instrument
0421441 California State U Long Beach Fdn Underwood $205,587
Acquisition of a LaserScissor Workstation for studies in reproductive biology and research in superconductivity
0421120 Calvin College Matheson $174,298
Acquisition of a fluorescence microscope and imaging system for faculty research and undergraduate research training
0420680 Carleton College Davidson $92,420
Acquisition of a Microanalysis System for a Scanning Electron Microscope at Carleton College.
0421020 Carnegie Inst of Wash Hemley
Development of the Single-Crystal Diamond from Chemical Vapor Deposition for the Next Generation High-Pressure Devices
0420933 Carnegie Mellon University Akinci $195,413
Acquisition of a high-performance laser scanner for research and education in civil engineering, architecture, robotics and computer graphics
0420842 Carnegie Mellon University Robinson $357,972
Acquisition of a Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer and an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer: Instrumentation for Measurement of Airborne Organics and Fine Particulate Matter
0420765 Case Western Reserve Kash $263,001
Development of Instrumentation for Plasma-Assisted Liquid Phase Epitaxy of III-Nitrides
0420322 Central CT State U Crundwell $335,850
MRI: Aquisition of a Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer with Low Temperature and Powder Capabilities
0420911 Central Michigan U Colores $157,000
Acquisition of equipment for environmental microbiology research in Central Michigan
0420791 Central Michigan U Domina $317,486
Acquisition of a VITUS/smart 3-D Body Scanner
0420939 Clark University Laird $28,599
Acquisition of Physiological Monitoring Equipment for Research on the stimuli in tactile, auditory, and visual domains that elicit emotional responses
0419597 Clemson Univ Res Fdn Duchowski $225,672
Development of a Next-Generation Eye Tracking Laboratory for Research and Education
0420801 Clemson University Rack $312,690
Acquisition of Ultrasonic Consolidation System
0421256 Cleveland State University Mal $280,000
Acquisition of a Plant Growth Facility for Research, Training and Education
0420539 Coe College Affatigato $164,261
A Scanning Probe Microscope for Undergraduate Research at Coe College
0421122 Colby College Thamattoor $128,720
MRI: Acquisition of a Preparative HPLC system for Undergraduate Research Training in Chemistry and Biology
0414251 Colgate University Parks $138,507
IMR - RUI: Acquistition of a Magnet Cryostat for Terahertz Spectroscopy and Education
0421292 Colorado School of Mines Scales $231,000
Acquisition of a millimeter wave vector network analyzer : seismology without seismometers
0420357 Colorado School of Mines Squier $608,307
Development of a Multibeam, Parabolic Pulse, Kilohertz Terawatt Laser Facility for Ultrafast Optical Physics
0421235 Colorado State University Stein $499,822
Acquisition of a Multi-Collector Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer for the AIRIE Program
0421191 Columbia University Flynn $377,034
MRI: Acquisition of a Fully Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscope
0420669 Cooper Union Kurtis Micou $126,240
Acquisition of Equipment for an Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at The Cooper Union
0421304 Coriell Inst Med Research Hanner $492,493
Acquisition and testing of the ImageStream 100 (beta model): Improving quality and expanding the scope of the Integrated Primate Biomaterial and Information Resource.
0421189 Cornell University State Lin $387,421
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Establishing a Microarray Core
0420995 Cornell University-Endowed Tiwari $175,000
MRI2004: Acquisition of Instrumentation for Characterization and Fabrication of Hard and Soft Structures for Remote and On-Site National Usage (NNIN Consortium)
0421449 CUNY Baruch College Schawaroch $76,119
Aquisition of Microptics Digital Imaging System Will Enhance Scientific Research and Curricula at a Minority Undergraduate Institution
0420996 CUNY Brooklyn College Scarlatos $299,750
Acquisition of CAVE for Experiments in the Creation of Collaborative Learning Environments
0421159 CUNY City College Uyar $202,844
MRI Instrumentation Development: Smart Reconfifurable Minature Robot System Based on System-On-Programmable-Chip Technology
0420359 CUNY Medgar Evers College Catapane $164,204
Acquisition of Biology Instruments for Medgar Evers College
0420875 CUNY Queens College Pekar $109,605
Acquisition of an Inductively Coupled Plasma- Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES) for Research and Educational Training at Queens College (CUNY), New York
0421046 CUNY Staten Island L'Amoreaux $479,752
Acquisition of a confocal microscope for interdisciplinary research
0421407 Danforth Plant Sci Center Taylor $165,894
Acquisition of a PALM Robot-MicroBeam Microdissection system
0420708 Davidson College LOM $237,179
Acquisition of a Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope for Research and Training in Biology and Neuroscience at Davidson College
0421023 Davidson College Boye $119,953
Acquisition of Equipment for Thermal and Optical Studies of Sol-gel Materials Containing Rare Earth Ions
0420361 DePauw University Komives $265,139
Collaborative Research: Development of an Apparatus to Measure the Electron-Anitneutrino Correlation in Free Neutron Beta Decay
0421033 Drexel University Layton $100,100
Acquisition of a nanomanipulation device for biological electronic, and optoelectronic samples and devices
0420645 Drexel University Friedman $300,000
Acquisition of ICP system within Two Universities/One Campus Framework
0420632 Duke University Johnson $583,000
Acquisition of a Visroom for Cognitive Studies, Visualization, and Education
0421252 Duquesne University Kingston $342,499
Acquisition of an Agilent 1100 Series MALDI/LC TOF Mass Spectrometer for Three Collaborating Departments at Duquesne University
0421063 East Carolina University Bartolotti $300,000
Acquisition of High Performance Computing Resources In Support of the Consortium for Computational Chemistry and Materials Sciences
0419554 East Carolina University Corbett $443,971
Acquisition of Instrumentation to Enhance Research and Teaching of the Coastal Processes Research Group at East Carolina University
0420965 Eastern Michigan Univ Laporte $287,075
Acquisitions to create an Organismal Physiology Research Laboratory for research and teaching at Eastern Michigan University
0421470 El Paso County Cmty Col Arteaga $116,424
Acquisition of an Induced Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)
0421048 Embry Riddle Aero Univ Hickey $757,825
A Large Beowulf Computer Cluster for Across-Discipline Research and Education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
0420764 Florida Institute of Tech Grace $346,135
Acquisition of an ESEM and TEM Support Instruments for Synergistic Growth of Biological and Materials Sciences
0420820 Florida Institute of Tech Dwyer $771,123
Development of the Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array (TERA)
0420753 Florida Institute of Tech Oswalt $347,040
Acquisition of a Small Telescope for Astronomical Research: Florida Tech's "Rising STAR Project"
0421255 Florida International Univ Khizroev $220,896
Spinstand for Developing Next Generation Data Storage Systems
0420874 Florida International Univ Almirall $407,998
Acquisition of a High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for Research in Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences and Forensic Sciences
0420590 Foundation @ NJIT Ahluwalia $270,870
Acquisition of a Computer Cluster for the Center of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at NJIT
0412901 Franklin & Marshall Col Yoder $527,275
Acquisition of NMR Spectrometer for Chemistry
0417840 Furman University Hanks $114,988
Acquisition of an FT-IR/Raman Spectrometer for Undergraduate Chemistry Education and Research
0420793 George Mason University Setia $175,000
Acquisition of an Experimental Testbed for Research and Teaching in Mobile Collaborative Agents
0419754 George Washington Univ Cahill $198,100
Acquisition of an imaging plate based x-ray diffractometer for use in a materials chemistry research and education program
0421381 Grinnell College Mobley $209,869
MRI: Upgrade of Bruker Avance 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer: Third frequency channel and 60A gradient amplifier and probeheads
0420739 Hamilton College Elgren $211,450
Acquisition of a Raman Microscope
0420716 Hamilton College Jones $269,915
Collaborative Research: Development of an Apparatus to Measure the Electron-Antineutrino Correlation in Free Neutron Beta Decay
0421069 Harvard University Gabrielse $700,000
Acquisition of a High Field, Low Temperature Platform for Fundamental Measurements
0420538 Harvey Mudd College Asai $355,583
Acquisition of a confocal microscope
0421565 Harvey Mudd College Eckert $265,083
Acquisition of an open architecture cryosystem with a 9 Tesla magnet for education and research in magnetic materials and structures
0420620 Haverford College Blase $235,953
Acquisition of an LC/MS System to Support the Integrated Teaching and Research Program at Haverford College
0420576 Hobart & William Smith Col Curtin $152,152
Acquisition of a CHN Elemental Analyzer, Particle Size Analyzer, and KappaBridge to investigate the origin of rhythmites in the Finger Lakes of New York
0420375 Hofstra University Lloyd $336,665
Instrumentation for Biology and Chemistry Research and Education
0420440 Hofstra University Sanford $196,750
Acquisition of an Integrated Digital Fluid Flow/Pressure Analysis System for the Study of Functional Design
0420776 Illinois Inst of Tech Segre $250,003
Development of A Harmonic Rejection Optical System for the MR-CAT Beamline
0420563 Indiana University Leuschner $72,599
Collaborative Research: Development of an Apparatus to Measure the Electron-Antineutrino Correlation in Free Neutron Beta Decay
0421374 Iowa State University Hong $957,600
Acquisition of a 600-MHz NMR Spectrometer for Biomolecular and Materials Research
0420630 Iowa State University Dalal $175,000
Acquisition of double-sided sub-micron mask aligner
0421007 Jackson Laboratory Knowles $732,624
A Consortium for the Acquisition of a 4Pi-Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
0420877 James Madison University Rivera-Hainaj $140,625
Acquisition of a Chiro-optical Spectrophotometric System for Chemistry Research and Student Training
0420382 Johns Hopkins University Brooker $953,596
0421010 Johns Hopkins University Gracias $176,365
Acquisition of a Sum Frequency Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy System to Probe Interfaces of Nano, Bio and Environmental Materials
0421025 Joint Ocean Insts Inc Bohlen $1,130,264
Acquisition of Satellite Communications Systems to Provide Continuous Internet Connectivity for Oceanographic Research Vessels at Sea
0421427 Kansas State University Garrett $353,504
Acquisition of equipment to enhance gene expression analysis capacity at Kansas State University
0421210 Kettering University Davis $300,000
Acquisition of a Low-Mass Particulate Matter Measurement and Composition Determination System for Use in Transportation Emissions Research
0421356 La St U & A&M Coll Marzilli $1,050,000
Acquisition of a 700 MHz Cryroprobe NMR
0420848 Lafayette College Yu $136,917
Acquisition of Equipment for Controller Development of a Mock Circulatory System and Ventricular Assist Devices
0421052 Lafayette College Huang $210,549
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Undergraduate Research and Education in Nanoscale Surface Science
0420428 Lehigh University Delph $100,445
Acquisition of a High Performance Beowulf Cluster Computer for Materials Modeling
0421259 Lehigh University Ou-Yang $179,516
Development of an Optical Tweezers-based Time-Lapse 3D Imaging Cytorheometer
0421342 Louisiana Tech University Sterling $272,495
Acquistion of Large-Scale Trenchless Technologies Testing and Research Facility (L-STaR
0420348 Marine Biological Lab Steudler $411,278
Acquisition of a Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer System
0421580 Marquette University Borg $137,786
Acquisition of high speed camera and instrumentation suite for visualization and three dimensional field reconstruction
0420333 Mary Washington College Loesser-Casey $247,241
Acquisition of a Variable-Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope at Mary Washington College
0420479 Miami University at Oxford Actis $477,783
Acquisition of High Throughput DNA Sequencing and Genotyping Instrumentation for Research and Training
0421047 Michigan State University Dantus $816,035
Development of phase-modulated ultrashort laser pulse technology for probing molecular dynamics, optical switches and materials, and coherent control of multiphoton microscopy
0420778 Michigan State University Starosta $463,419
Acquisition of Digital Data Acquisition System for experiments in Nuclear Science
0420947 Minn State Univ, Mankato Wilde $212,566
Acquisition of a Servo-Hydraulic Test System and Environmental Chamber for Research and Teaching in Civil and Mechanical Engineering at Minnesota State University, Mankato
0418323 Mississippi State Univ Wood $420,068
Acquisition of a MALDI TOF TOF Mass Spectrometer
0420510 Montana State University Wolff $173,168
Acquistion of Telecommunications Test Equipment for Research and Training
0420736 Montana State University Becker $204,930
Acquisition of a Millimeter Wave Vector Network Analyzer for Research and Training
0420725 Morehead State University Jerde $263,400
MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer for Multi-Disciplinary Research and Education
0420863 New Mexico Highlands Univ Timofeeva $423,731
Acquisition of new single crystal X-Ray Diffraction System for Teaching/Research Laboratory
0421456 New Mexico St University Cook $240,000
Acquisition of a Large Beowulf Cluster for Research and Education in Science and Engineering
0421502 New Mexico St University Thompson $253,491
Acquisition of Equipment for a Face-to-Face Interaction Laboratory for Studying Cognitive, Neurocognitive, Social Cognitive, and Emotional Aspects of Human Communication
0420870 New York University Tuckerman $374,609
Acquisition of large-scale parallel computational resources for biological and materials modeling
0421040 New York University Disotell $299,992
Acquisition of a Molecular Primatology DNA Analysis System
0420366 NM Inst of Mining & Tech Pietrass $140,169
Acquisition of an ESR Spectrometer for Chemistry Education and Research
0421186 Norfolk State University Salgado $185,000
Acquisition of a Rapid Response Robotic Telescope for Astronomical Research and Education at Norfolk State University
0421176 North Carolina Central U Vlahovic $352,725
Acquisition of a Pulsed Laser System for Quantum Dots and Thin Films Research and Education
0420775 North Carolina State U Smirnov $1,116,256
Development of a Quantum Engineering Laboratory
0421088 North Carolina State U Maria $300,000
Acquisition of Major Instrumentation: Deep Reactive Ion Etching
0421452 Northern Arizona Univ Sample $237,127
Acquisition of a scanning electron microscope optimized for elemental analysis for geologic research and teaching at Northern Arizona University
0420532 Northwestern University Seidman $500,000
Acquisition of a Local-Electrode Atom-Probe (LEAP) Microscope (An Atom-Probe Tomograph) For Three-Dimensional Nanoscale Characterization of Materials
0420923 Northwestern University Dravid $277,000
DEVELOPMENT: Design and Development of Near Field Acoustic Holography (NFAH) System
0420717 Oberlin College Mehta $308,909
MRI: Acquisition of a Beowulf cluster for use in research and research training
0421273 Ohio State Univ Res Fdn Menq $420,000
Development of an Automated Visually Guided Motion Control System for Multi Scale Imaging and Manipulation of Biological and Engineered Systems
0420304 Old Dominion Research Fdn Elsayed-Ali $119,000
Acquisition of an Ultrahigh Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope
0420744 PA St U University Park Dickey $482,888
MRI: Acquisition of Focused Ion Beam Instrument for Multidisciplinary Research and Education
0421287 Prairie View A&M U Gyamerah $201,116
Acquisition of research instrumentation for applied research and training in biotechnology and bioprocess engineering
0421290 Prairie View A&M U Carty $247,743
Acquisition of a 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer
0421147 Princeton University Smits $219,328
Development of NSTAP: Nanoscale Thermal Anemometry Probe
0421102 Purdue University Chapple $738,066
Acquisition of Metabolic Profiling Instrumentation at Purdue
0420906 Purdue University Meunier $800,000
Development of a Safe, Virtual Imaging Instrument for Logically Destructive Experiments
0421208 Purdue University - Purdue U Calumet Zhou $302,895
Acquisition of Advanced Instrumentation for Fluid Flow and Particle Motion Research and Teaching at Micro to Macro Scales
0420639 R Stockton Coll of NJ Rogerson $103,856
Acquisition of a Quantitative Gene Detection and Expression System
0420703 Rensselaer Polytech Inst Shephard $500,000
MRI: Acquisition of Infrastructure for Research in Grid Computing and Multiscale Systems Computation
0420946 Rensselaer Polytech Inst Nalamasu $500,000
Acquisition of a multifunctional integrated dual-beam system for nanopatterning and simultaneous modification and imaging of surfaces/interfaces with nm-scale precision
0421156 Rochester Inst of Tech Abushagur $399,926
Development of a Multi-Function Nanomaterials Processing System
0420920 Rochester Inst of Tech Merritt $371,151
Acquisition of a Parallel Dedicated Platform for Gravitational Dynamics
0420910 Rocky Mtn Biol Lab Billick $429,695
Acquisition of GIS and GPS Equipment by the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab in order to Enable High Resolution Spatially Explicit Research and Training
0420890 Rose-Hulman Inst of Tech Kirkpatrick $129,965
MRI-RUI: Acquisition of an X-Ray Diffraction System for Improvement in the Quality of Research and Education in Materials Related Sciences and Engineering
0420845 Rowan University Marchese $189,364
Development of a 1.1-Second Drop Tower Apparatus for Fundamental Combustion and Fluid Dynamics Research
0421000 Rowan University Mandayam $236,698
Acquisition of a Desktop, High-Resolution, Three-Dimensional X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) System
0421079 Rutgers U Camden Martin $306,491
Acquisition of Instruments for Biosample Analyses in Research and Teaching
0420839 Rutgers Univ New Brunswick Sherrell $452,514
MRI: Acquisition of a Laser Ablation High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
0421028 Rutgers Univ New Brunswick Chabal $380,000
Development of an integrated thin film growth system with comprehensive in-situ characterization for research and education
0421249 Saint Lawrence University Gao $194,476
St. Lawrence University Acquisition of Instrumentation for Monitoring Climate, Atmospheric, and Aquatic Environmental Processes in Northern New York
0421383 Saint Louis University Spencer $220,459
Aquisition of a Confocal Microscope for Biological and Bioengineering Research
0421535 San Diego State Univ Fdn McGuire $325,097
Acquisition of a Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter (FACS) for SDSU Biology Department
0421285 San Francisco State Univ Manning $194,927
Acquisition of an X-ray Diffractometer for Environmental and Materials Chemistry Research
0421562 San Jose State Univ Fdn Allen $367,644
Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization
0420726 Santa Barbara Mus Nat His Chaney $245,970
Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope for the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
0421058 SD Sch of Mines and Tech Cross $400,000
0421561 Seattle University Fontana $229,808
Acquisition of Laser Doppler Velocimetry System for Turbulence Research
0421360 Seton Hall University Chang $279,540
Confocal Microscopy for Interdisciplinary Programs at Seton Hall University
0420952 Seton Hall University Bubb $383,208
MRI/RUI: Acquisition of a Tunable Infrared Laser and Chamber for the Deposition and Characterization of Thin Films of Ceramics, Oxides and Polymers
0419131 Skidmore College Domozych $233,790
MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis System
0420971 Smith College Scordilis $471,813
Acquisition of Proteomics Facilities
0420825 Sonoma State University Khosravani $148,682
MRI: Acquisition of 13.5 Gb/s Bit-Error-Rate Tester, Agilent N4901A, to investigate non-stationary optical noise characteristics in ultra-high speed optical communication systems
0421379 Southeastern Okla St Univ Paiva $67,462
Acquisition of Protein Purification Instrumentation for Isoflavonoid Research
0421012 Southern Ill U Carbondale Dyer $256,841
Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR
0420855 Southern Oregon University Elliott $219,538
Acquisition of a high resolution ICP & XRD for environmental, Earth, & material science research in biology, Chemistry, Geology, & Physics at Southern Oregon University
0420723 Southwest Texas State U Galloway $190,705
MRI: Acquisition of FTIR and AFM for Materials Characterization
0421404 Southwest Texas State U Gutierrez $200,000
MRI: Acquisition of Transmission Electron Microscopy Upgrades for Interdisciplinary Materials Research and Education Activities
0420395 Southwestern University Guarraci
The Acquisition of Equipment to Proccess and Image Brain Tissue for Use in Undergraduate Behavioral Neuroscience Research and Training
0421526 SRI International Faris $400,843
Development of a High-Speed Frequency Domain Imaging System
0420783 St. Cloud State University Kvaal $105,455
Acquistion of Instrumentation for a DNA Sequencing and Analysis Core Facility
0421483 Stanford University Vuckovic $153,969
Acquisition of a Picosecond Streak Camera System for Time-Dependent Luminescence Measurements of Semiconductor Nanostructures
0421154 SUNY Buffalo Alexandridis $360,796
Acquisition of small/wide angle X-ray scattering system for nanomaterials characterization
0421015 SUNY Col Env Sci&Forestry Mitchell $388,117
Integrated Major Research Instrumentation for Real Time Analyses Within An Experimental Watershed
0420600 SUNY Geneseo Pogozelski $108,664
Acquisition of a DNA Sequencer for Use in Undergraduate Biochemistry/Molecular Biology and DNA Computing Research and Teaching
0420409 SUNY Old Westbury Hoyte $344,820
Acquisition of State-of-the-Art NMR to Enhance Institutional Research and Training.
0420880 SUNY Oneonta Horvath $115,269
Acquisition of Laboratory Equipment for Long-term Water Quality and Watershed Management Projects
0420616 SUNY Oswego Ouellette $249,850
Acquisition of Proteomics Equipment and an Omniflex MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer for Establishment of a Proteomics/Mass Spectrometry
0420317 Sweet Briar College Ambers $73,057
Acquisition of an X-ray Diffraction System for Research at an Undergraduate Woman's College
0421143 Tennessee Technological U Berk $233,488
Acquisition of a Confocal Microscope
0421409 Texas A&M Research Fdn Holzenburg $361,549
Acquisition of a Combined Raman and Infrared Microscope with Nano-scale Spatial Resolution
0421426 Texas A&M Research Fdn Bevan $398,482
Development of Submillimeter / Terahertz Instrumentation for Spectroscopy and Dynamics
0421410 Texas A&M U Corpus Christi Naehr $120,000
Acquisition of a Powder X-ray Diffraction System for Earth Science Research and Education
0421239 Texas A&M U Corpus Christi Billiot $98,643
Acquisition of an AA Graphite Furnace and Microwave Digestor for the Enhancement of Research/Teaching at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
0420494 Texas Engineering Exp Sta Little $350,000
0421310 Texas Engineering Exp Sta Bonner $170,050
Development of An In-situ Flow Cytometer for Enhanced Aquatic Particle Discrimination
0421032 Texas Tech University Gollahon $458,500
Acquisition of a High Resolution, Analytical SEM to Enhance Interdisciplinary Research Capabilities at Texas Tech University
0420853 Texas Tech University Holtz $230,000
Development of an Electron-Beam Deposition System with In Situ Surface Analysis
0420724 The College of New Jersey Hernandez $93,320
MRI: Acquisition of Instrumentation Systems for Education and Research in Image Processing and Understanding
0420353 Towson University Casey $208,316
Acquisition of Instrumentation for an Urban Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory at Towson University
0421141 Towson University Rajeswari $267,196
X-ray Diffractometer for Material Research at Towson University
0421112 Tulane University John $433,152
Acquisition of a Field Emission Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope for Research and Education in Nanomaterials and Biological Structures at Tulane University
0420851 Tulane University Wietfeldt $262,740
Collaborative Research: Development of an Apparatus to Measure the Electron-Antineutrino Correlation in Free Neutron Beta Decay
0414599 U of Akron Newkome $416,822
IMR: Acquisition of a 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
0420987 U of Akron Rinaldi $261,019
Acquisition of an EPR Instrument
0420614 U of Alabama Birmingham Skjellum $250,000
Computer and Information Sciences Grid Node Research Facility
0421267 U of Alabama Huntsville Miller $102,700
Acquisition of a High Performance Computing Cluster for Solar and High-Energy Astrophysics Research
0421505 U of Alabama Tuscaloosa Puzinauskas $430,474
Development of Fiber-Optically Coupled Combustion and Flow Sensor for IC Engines and Other Severe Environments
0421376 U of Alabama Tuscaloosa Thompson $900,000
Acquisition of an Advanced Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope
0421472 U of Arizona Zohar $430,727
Acquistion of Thin Film LPCVD Deposition and Patterning Equipment
0421499 U of Arizona Walker $1,742,356
Development of a Submillimeter-wave Superheterodyne Camera (SuperCam) for the Heinrich Hertz Telescope
0421243 U of Arkansas Kirby $296,862
Acquisition of a laser scanning confocal microscope for the molecular biosciences
0421099 U of Arkansas Apon $213,334
MRI: Acquisition of a Computing Cluster for High-End Applications in Science and Engineering (CHASE)
0421422 U of Arkansas Little Rock Shaikh $242,422
Acquisition of an HPLC-MS Instrument for Research and Training
0420982 U of California - Merced O'Day $323,743
Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope for Environmental, Biological, and Materials Research and Education at UC Merced
0421016 U of California - Merced Bales
Development of a Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer for Measurements of Trace Gases in the Polar Troposphere
0421521 U of California Davis Liu $354,000
Phase I of An Advanced Spectromicroscopy Facility: Acquisition of A combined Confocal Optical and Atomic Force Microscope, and An Enhanced FTIR Imaging Microscope
0421554 U of California Irvine Kuester $393,533
HIPerWall: Development of a High-Performance Visualization System for Collaborative Earth System Sciences
0421325 U of California Riverside Bartels $186,000
MRI: Acquisition of Fundamental Semiconductor Processing Capabilities for Education and Research in Hybrid Silicon/Molecule Processes and Devices
0421511 U of California San Diego Van Den Einde $350,000
Acquisition of Equipment and Instrumentation for Blast Mitigation Research
0421555 U of California San Diego School of Medicine Papadopoulos $1,154,436
Development of Quartzite, a Campus-wide, Terabit-Class, Field-Programmable, Hybrid Switching Instrument for Comparative Studies
0421510 U of California Santa Cruz Ravelo $637,099
Acquisition of Light Stable Isotope Facility for Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change
0421546 U of California SD Scripps Inst Keeling $644,151
Development of instrumentation for continuous field-based measurements of atmospheric and oceanic Ar/N2, O2/N2, and CO2/N2 ratios and related isotopic tracers
0421253 U of Central Florida Schulte $177,685
Acquisition of a Novel Raman and Fourier-Transform Infared Microscope for Research and Education in Bio-Materials, Nanoscience, and Forensics
0420958 U of Chicago Glick $217,546
Acquistion of a high-pressure freezing/freeze substition system for electron tomography and immunocytochemistry
0421076 U of Chicago Eng $550,001
Development by the Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources of a New X-Ray Beamline for High Pressure and Interface Earth Science Research at the GeoSoilEnviroCARS APS Sector
0421092 U of Cincinnati Vemuri $280,085
Acquisition of Research Instrumentation for Electronic Systems Emulation, Prototyping and Testing
0420873 U of Colorado Boulder Tufo $467,558
Collaborative Research: Acquisition of an IBM BG/L Supercomputer
0420693 U of Colorado Boulder Medlin $270,172
Acquisition of a High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer for Molecular-Level Surface Characterization
0421496 U of Colorado Boulder Dessau $541,126
Development of Resonant Cavity-Based UV and Mid-IR Remtosecond Laser Light for Direct and Pump-Probe Photoemission Spectroscopy
0420985 U of Colorado Denver Mandel $119,332
Collaborative Research: Acquisition of an IBM BlueGene/L Supercomputer
0421461 U of Colorado HSC Shandas $499,936
Development of a micro- and macro- particle image velocimetry system for opaque flows
0420580 U of Connecticut Cantino $282,100
Acquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope and CCD Camera
0421224 U of Delaware Fox $378,434
Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer
0421177 U of Delaware Opila $189,753
Development of a Combination High Resolution and Low Current Density Inverse Photoemission Spectrograph for Research and Eduction
0420581 U of Denver Danielson $102,956
Aquisition of a ProteomeLab PF2D System for Research and Education
0421200 U of Florida Ranka $600,000
Acquisition of CASTOR: A High-Performance Communication and Storage Backbone for Data-Intensive Science and Engineering Computing
0421218 U of Florida Lin $190,000
Acquisition of High Frequency Electronic Device Characterization System
0420609 U of Georgia Res Fdn Inc Keith $299,716
Acquisition of a Variable Pressure SEM and Micro-CT for the University of Georgia
0421582 U of Hawaii Lin $1,978,755
Development of Infrared Instrumentation for High-Resolution and High-Precision Solar Magnetic Fields Observatons
0420790 U of Houston Downtown Johnson $106,167
Acquisition of an ICP-Optical Emission Spectrometer for Undergraduate Research in the Natural Sciences
0420477 U of Illinois Chicago Leigh $395,726
Development of Instrumentation for LambdaVision
0420847 U of Illinois Chicago Grossman $237,000
International Data Mining Grid Testbed for Research in High Performance Data Transport, Data Integration, and Data Exploration -- Instrument Development Proposal
0421377 U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Adesida $481,836
Acquisition of Analytical Tools for Imaging and Spectroscopy of Nanoscale Structures and Systems
0420378 U of Iowa Hornbuckle $243,391
Acquisition of Automated and High Sensitivity Instrumentation for the Analysis of Organic Compounds in Complex Matrices
0421057 U of Louisville Res Fdn Sharp $202,992
Acquisition of a Particle Image Velocimetry System for Biofluid Mechanics Research
0420393 U of Maine Thomas $330,000
Acquisition of an X-Band Satellite Data Groundstation for Regional Multidisciplinary
0421043 U of Massachusetts Amherst Winter $399,999
Development of a filament stretching rheometer and shear micro-rheometer with optical access for measurements of complex fluids
0420674 U of Massachusetts Amherst Candela $354,000
Acquisition of a top-loading refrigerator and magnet system for studies of quantum systems and undergraduate research
0420741 U of MD Baltimore Luther $346,692
0420553 U of Miami Sternberg $252,130
Acquisition of 2 Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers
0420785 U of Michigan Lahann $377,363
Acquisition of a X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer for Multidisciplinary Materials Research at the University of Michigan
0421091 U of Minnesota Duluth Colman $351,355
0416157 U of Minnesota Duluth Zhdankin $508,692
Acquisition of High Field NMR Spectrometer
0421202 U of Minnesota-Twin Cities Griffis $927,418
Development of the Minnesota Terrestrial Integrated Mesocosms for Biophysical and Ecophysiological Research
0421423 U of Minnesota-Twin Cities Woodward $300,000
Development of a System for Interactive Analysis and Visualization of Multi-Terabyte Datasets
0421319 U of Mississippi Mattern $179,989
Modernization of the NMR Spectrometer Facility at the University of Mississippi Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
0421318 U of Mississippi Kishk $164,287
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Near Field Antenna Measurements Research
0420859 U of Missouri Columbia Khanna $293,933
0420869 U of Missouri Rolla McMillin $300,000
Construction of a Laboratory to Study FACTS Device Interactions
0420497 U of Missouri Saint Louis Anderson $126,619
Upgrade of a CCD-based X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory
0420295 U of NC Asheville Horton $45,780
Acquisition of a portable gas exchange system for teaching and research in plant physiological ecology
0420868 U of NC Chapel Hill Reichart $515,198
Acquisition of PROMPT: Gamma-Ray Bursts as Probes
0420815 U of NC Charlotte Davies $430,501
Acquisition of Nano-Solid Freeform Generator for Micro-optics Replication
0420292 U of NC Greensboro Cech $292,024
Acquisition of a Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometer for Research Involving Undergraduate Students
0420948 U of NC Wilmington Kinsey $310,173
Acquisition of an Olympus FV500/IX81 Confocal Microscope
0421412 U of Nevada Desert Res Ins McConnell $275,073
Acquisition of a High Resolution ICP-MS to Expand Continuous Ultra-Trace Ice Core and Other Environmental Analyses
0421514 U of Nevada Desert Res Ins Fritsen $454,080
Instrumentation for the Enhancement of DRI's Microbial Ecology Education and Research (MEER) Programs
0421519 U of Nevada Las Vegas van Breukelen $246,458
Acquisition of Microarray Instrumentation and a High Throughput Capillary Sequencer for Biological Research
0421005 U of New Hampshire Hobbie $554,203
MRI Acquisition Proposal: Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
0420905 U of New Hampshire Raeder $261,439
Acquisition of a Computer Cluster for Geospace Modeling
0420513 U of New Mexico Guo $350,378
Acquisition of a High Performance Shared-Memory Computer for Computational Science and Engineering at the University of New Mexico
0421087 U of New Mexico McGraw $456,238
Development of An Atmospheric Extinction LIDAR for the CCD/Transit Instrument
0420961 U of New Orleans Simmons $178,310
Collaborative research: An isotope ratio mass spectrometer for biogeoscience research and teaching at the University of New Orleans and Tulane University
0420980 U of Notre Dame Alber $160,160
Acquisition of the Notre Dame Biocomplexity Computer Cluster
0420957 U of Notre Dame Seabaugh $250,000
Development of Nanofabrication Instrument
0420626 U of Oklahoma Grady $474,842
Acquisition of X-ray Scattering Systems for the Characterization of Nanostructured Materials
0421333 U of Oklahoma HSC Gillaspy $129,995
Equipment acquisition for the OUHSC Laboratory for Genomics and Bioinformatics
0421086 U of Oregon Eugene Lonergan $402,085
Acquisition of a lithography enabled SEM and nanoimprinter for the fabrication of nanostructures
0420915 U of Pennsylvania Klein $206,493
Acquisition of a Property Measurement Facility for Interdisciplinary Studies
0421024 U of Pittsburgh Jordan $420,000
Acquisition of a Computer Cluster for Molecular and Materials Simulations
0414649 U of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Caceres-Valencia $339,088
IMR: Acquisition of a Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope to Promote Research and Education in Materials Engineering
0420604 U of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Ramirez-Vick $317,900
Acquisition of a Multipurpose Plasma-Enhanced CVD Reactor for Nanostructure Fabrication
0421167 U of Rhode Island D'Hondt $345,000
Acquisition of Field Laboratory for Study of Subseafloor Life life
0420951 U of Richmond Radice $340,391
Acquisition of a confocal microscope for research and research training
0420888 U of Rochester Stroud $251,162
Development of single photon generation & characterization unit
0417731 U of San Diego Plesniak $617,336
Purchase of a 500 MHz NMR for Research and Teaching
0421238 U of South Florida Schlaf $320,000
Acquisition of Focused Ion Beam Tool for the USF Nanomanufacturing and Nanomaterials Research Center
0420794 U of Southern California Biederman $1,240,504
Acquisition of an fMRI Basic Research Imaging System at the University of Southern California
0421403 U of Southern Mississippi Mauritz $367,662
Acquisition of a Nanoprobe Instrumentation Cluster
0421406 U of Southern Mississippi Urban $400,000
Acquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope for Research and Education
0421431 U of Southern Mississippi Asper $727,531
Collaborative Research: Development of a Polar Remote Interactive Marine Observatory (PRIMO) near Palmer Station on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
0420549 U of Tennessee Chattanooga Grant $279,983
Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
0421153 U of Tennessee Knoxville Weitering $364,000
Acquisition of an ultrahigh-resolution photoelectron spectrometer for education and research on complex and low-dimensional materials
0421219 U of Tennessee Knoxville Liaw $1,999,996
0421282 U of Texas Arlington Holder $250,000
Acquisition of Instrumentation for Engineering Research in Advanced Security Detection Systems
0421306 U of Texas Brownsville Guevara $257,000
Acquisition of a Scanning Probe Microscope for imaging and force spectroscopy of single biomolecules
0420504 U of Texas El Paso Bain $145,007
Acquisition of a DNA microarray printer and scanner
0421352 U of Texas Pan American Li $252,298
Acquisition of Ultra-Wide-Band Measurement and Modeling Facilities for Multidisciplinary Research
0421366 U of Texas Pan American Qualls $236,834
Acquisition of Magnetic Field System with SQUID for Material Research
0421038 U of Texas San Antonio Agrawal $301,790
Acquisition of a microCT imaging system
0420556 U of the Sciences in Philadelphia Moore $141,553
Acquisition of a 64-Processor 64-Bit Parallel Computer Cluster
0421152 U of Virginia Hull $624,750
Acquisition of a Low Energy Electron Microscope
0421579 U of Washington Seibel $309,376
Development of a true 3D display that mimics natural depth perception conditions for research in minimally-invasive surgery, microscopy, teleoperation, and vision science
0420928 U of Wisconsin Eau Claire Drucker $241,663
Acquisition of a Transportable Pulsed Laser System to Enhance Undergraduate Research Programs
0419501 U of Wisconsin La Crosse Colton $307,907
MRI/RUI: Acquisition of an optically detected electron spin echo system for T2 measurements in GaAs, AlGaAs, and InGaAs layers and quantum wells
0421266 U of Wisconsin Madison Bleecker $405,032
Acquisition of imaging equipment for determining the function of plant genes
0421416 U of Wisconsin Milwaukee Allen $1,444,972
A high-throughput data analysis system for LIGO gravitational wave detection
0420711 U of Wisconsin Oshkosh Lizotte $189,628
MRI/RUI: Acquisition of Instrumentation for the UWO Aquatic Research Facility
0421507 U of Wyoming Pierce $256,312
Development of a Wide-Field, Near-Infrared Camera for the Wyoming Infrared Observatory
0420535 Union College Bruno $277,992
Acquistion of Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence / Raman Imaging System
0421498 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Loft $466,667
Collaborative Research: Acquisition of an IBM BlueGene/L Supercomputer
0421116 Ursinus College Popescu $124,276
Acquisition of a Mossbauer Spectrometer
0420849 VA Polytechnic Inst & St U Bodnar $400,866
Acquisition of an Excimer-Laser Based Laser Ablation ICP-MS System
0420454 Valdosta State University Goddard $245,505
Aquisition of a variable pressure scanning electron microscope for interdisciplinary research and teaching
0420732 Virginia Commonwealth Univ Atkinson $110,000
Acquisition of Metal Deposition Equipment for Integrated Electroactive Sensors, Nanostructures and Biotechnology Research and Training
0421478 Washington State Univ Evans $579,984
Acquisition of Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometers for Global Change Training and Research
0420636 Weber State Univ Inglefield $71,700
RUI: Acquisition of a Scanning Probe Microscope for Undergraduate Research
0414311 Wellesley College Sequeira $150,500
Acquisition of an ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer for Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching in an Undergraduate College Setting
0420846 West Chester U of Pennsylvania Vreeland $127,015
Acquisition of modern sampling and Molecular analysis equipment for an integrated Geomicrobiology/molecular biology Laboratory
0421228 Western Kentucky Univ Research Foundation Buthelezi $129,400
Acquisition of Instrumentation for the Manipulation and Laser Spectroscopic Characterization of New Complexes
0420482 Western Michigan Univ Patten $180,940
Acquistion of Tribometer for Manufacturing/Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research and Education
0421457 Western Washington Univ Housen $196,019
Acquisition of a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer for the Paleomagnetism Laboratory, Western Washington University
0420377 Western Washington Univ Patrick $398,773
Acquisition of Instrumentation for a Materials Research and Education Center at Western Washington University
0421394 Wichita State University Madhavan $172,190
0421109 William Marsh Rice Univ Cooper $2,000,000
"Acquisition" of Rice Computational Research Cluster (RCRC)
0420840 William Marsh Rice Univ San $339,942
MRI: Acquisition of Multiple Instruments for Metabolite Profiling-related Research and Education
0421108 William Marsh Rice Univ Nordlander $250,000
Development of Nanoscale Probes for Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy
0416787 Wisconsin Lutheran Col Kuehn $81,000
Apparatus for high resolution real-time acoustic imaging of Rayleigh-Benard convection in liquid mercury
0421110 Woods Hole Ocean Inst Giosan $435,000
Acquisition of a Core Scanner with X-Ray Fluorescence - Digital X-Radiography - Digital Photography Capabilities for Rapid High Resolution Core Analyses
0420757 Woods Hole Ocean Inst Gallager $1,262,156
Collaborative Research: Establishing a Polar Remote Interactive Marine Observatory (PRIMO) near Palmer Station on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
0418812 Woods Hole Research Ctr Davidson $132,698
Acquisition of Instruments for Studies of Nitrogen Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems
0420749 Worcester Polytech Inst Mallick $219,534
Acquisition of Non Destructive Testing Instrument for Pavement Engineering Research and Education


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Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008
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Last Updated: Jul 10, 2008