Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) Program Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) Program Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
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An IC member is a federal government agency, service, bureau, or other organization within the executive branch that plays a role in the business of national intelligence. The Intelligence Community comprises many such organizations.

Air Force Air Force
Army Army
Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Coast Guard Coast Guard
Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency
Department of Energy Department of Energy
Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security
Department of State Department of State
Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury
Drug Enforcement Administration Drug Enforcement Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
Marine Corps Marine Corps
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
National Reconnaissance Office National Reconnaissance Office
National Security Agency National Security Agency
Navy Navy
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)