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Version 1.1 Errata Sheet--June 12, 2002

Rainfall.Runoff Characteristics and Effects of Increased Urban Density on Streamflow and Infiltration in the Eastern Part of the San Jacinto River Basin, Riverside County, California

By Joel R. Guay

U. S Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4090


A version of the errata sheet is available in pdf-- 84 KB 


Subsequent to publication of U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4090, "Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics and Effects of Increased Urban Density on Streamflow and Infiltration in the Eastern Part of the San Jacinto River Basin, Riverside County, California," the following errors were found in the report.


An error was discovered in the cross-sectional geometry used to develop the F-tables for channel reach 3 (RCHRES3) in the model. The correct cross-sectional geometry was used to produce the corrected F-table for RCHRES3 and the model was rerun. The correction resulted in changes to Figure 22b (page 44), Figure 23d (page 48), Table 6 (pages 73-74), Table 8 (pages 109-110), and Table 9 (pages 124-125). The correction changed the average annual streamflow out of RCHRES3 for the model from 2,620 to 2,630 acre-ft. The average annual streamflow out of RCHRES3 for increases in urban density of 50 and 100 percent were unchanged.


We apologize for any inconvenience these errors may have caused.

Version 1

Main Text --version 1 (2.2 MB PDF)

Table 6--version 1 (4.3 MB PDF)

Table 8--version 1 (2.2 MB PDF)

Table 9--version 1 (2.0 MB pdf)


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