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Course IF312 - Stream Temperature Modeling

Course Description

This correspondence course concentrates on the theory and application of water temperature modeling. Participants will develop knowledge of stream geometry, hydrology, and meteorology to enable understanding and prediction of stream temperatures. Topics covered include the models' assumptions and limitations, calibration and verification, troubleshooting, field data collection, parameter estimation, handling missing data, quality control, reviewing a completed temperature study for quality assurance, and linkage to other IFIM programs. Hands-on exercises are used to reinforce concepts learned in lectures. Participants will be supplied with all relevant models and material that they will complete at their own pace. An instructor will be available by phone or E-mail for individual questions with a final exam gauging successful completion of the material.

Target Audience

Individuals directly involved with computer modeling of stream temperatures, including ecologists, fishery biologists, and hydrologists, or anyone who regularly comments on proposed changes in water project operations or helps in designing impact evaluation studies.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

Depending on the needs of individual participants, he or she will be prepared to either:

1. Conduct a "live" temperature investigation, including how to plan a cost-effective study, gather needed input data, assemble that data into appropriate formats, and display results in a communicative manner;


2. Review a completed study, performed by another individual or organization, to assure its quality by critically analyzing the modeling components and evaluating the achievement of study objectives.

Dates and Locations





Approx. 30-50 hours, self-paced.

Registration Procedure

(1) Download and print the IF 312 course material:

(2) Download additional supplemental material as needed. These include:

(3) Download additional training materials.

Course Contact

John Bartholow
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave
Bldg C
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 970.226.9319
Fax: 970.226.9230

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