Rice University
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Rice alumni

For alumni, Rice remains a special place

How do Rice alumni feel about their alma mater? Apparently, pretty good. The research firm Questar recently conducted a survey of Rice alumni and found that most of the university's graduates still feel a strong connection to the school — and would recommend it to prospective students. The alumni showed a passion for Rice that goes beyond what surveys show for other institutions.

Edison Award

With breakthrough, Rice professor earns award

Back in the 1990s, Kyriacos Athanasiou patented one of the finest achievements in the bioengineering field: an implantable scaffold that facilitates the self-repair of cartilage. A decade later, the Rice professor is still receiving kudos for his work. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is planning to honor Athanasiou with the prestigious Thomas A. Edison Patent Award.

News Highlights

Calendar Events

'Transition to a Democratic Iraq' 11/5

T. Hamid Al-Bayati, Iraq's ambassador to the U.N, discusses the changing climate in Iraq

Two operas for the price of one 11/5

The Shepherd School Opera and the Shepherd School Chamber Orchestra offer a bargain: two operas for the price of one

Town Hall Meeting 11/7

Rice President David Leebron will update the community on the school's latest developments

Rice Homecoming & Reunion 2008 11/7

Join more than 5,000 alumni and friends for the school's homecoming and reunion weekend