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Contents of Homicide trends in the U.S.


Homicide trends in the U.S.

The percentage of homicides cleared by arrest has been declining

  • In 2005, 62% of all homicides were cleared compared to 79% in 1976.

  • Homicide has the highest clearance rate of all serious crimes.

To view data, click on the chart.

Percent of homicide cleared trends [D]

Note: Law enforcement agencies clear or solve an offense when at least one person is arrested, charged with the commission of the offense, and turned over to the court for prosecution. Law enforcement agencies may also clear a crime by exceptional means such as when an identified offender is killed during apprehension or commits suicide.

Police are more likely to identify a suspect if the victim is a child

To view data, click on the chart.

Percent of homicides cleared by age of victim [D]

Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-2005.
     See also Additional information about the data.

Note: The victims of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks are not included in this analysis.

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