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The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IPEDS Help Desk: 1-877-225-2568

Reporting Late

If your institution does not respond to one or more of the IPEDS surveys during a collection year:

Each year, following the close of the spring collection, NCES prepares a list of all institutions that did not respond to one or more of the IPEDS surveys. This list is forwarded to the Office of Federal Student Aid for appropriate action, which may include a warning letter or a fine.

Section 487(a)(17) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (HEA), 20 USC 1094, requires that "institutions will complete surveys conducted as part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data system (IPEDS)…in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Secretary." Thus, IPEDS surveys are mandatory for institutions that participate in or are applicants for participation in any Federal financial assistance program authorized by Title IV of the HEA.

Deadline extensions:

There are no deadline extensions available for the IPEDS surveys.

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Washington, DC 20006, USA
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