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Public Information > Resources: How to File

If you want to be a "party of record", (that is, a full participant) in a case before the Surface Transportation Board (STB) you should follow these guidelines and check the rules and statutes that are referenced. Correspondence filed by non-parties will be included in the public record, but will not be referred to in the Board's decisions and need not be served on all of the parties.

The STB does accept E-Filings of certain documents. To file by paper filing an application, an answer, a complaint or other document in an STB docket, you will need to send an original of your document and 10 copies to "Secretary, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D.C. 20423". The docket number should appear on the first page of the filing, as should the name and address of the person submitting the filing.

All documents should be on white 8" x11" paper and text should be double-spaced. Please use 12-point type. The original must be printed on only one side of the paper, although copies may be two-sided.

Filings should be verified (that is, there should be a paragraph separately signed by the person who is knowledgeable about the facts used in preparing the filing) which reads as follows:

"I,_____________________, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Further, I certify that I am qualified and authorized to file this pleading. Executed on (insert date). Signature."

In addition, each filing should be served on all other parties in the case. The STB makes available the service lists for all cases before it. Each filing must have a separately signed paragraph indicating that the document has been served on the other parties of record. An example follows: "I hereby certify that I have served all parties of record in this proceeding with this document by United States mail (or, if another method is used, describe it here). Signature Date

Documents filed in response to pleadings already filed in a case must be received at the STB's offices on or before close of business on the due date. For more detailed information on "How to File" please see 49 C.F.R. 1104.1 et seq.

If you wish to file a Formal Complaint, please see 49 CFR 1111.1-1111.10.