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U.S. EPA Region 5's Asthma Program works with many partners throughout Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin to help residents with asthma manage their disease. In addition to supporting the partners, Region 5's Asthma Program assists in the education of those living with asthma, their health care providers and care givers on the most up-to-date information about reducing exposures to environmental triggers of asthma.

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National and State Asthma Programs and Contacts>
National U.S. EPA Asthma Program Resources Partner Recognitions 2008 2007 Great Lakes Region Asthma Forum - February 2007


Both U.S. EPA and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have declared asthma an epidemic. The number of children with asthma increased by 60% during the 1980s, and poor air quality can impact both children and adults with asthma. Environmental pollutants inside and outside can contribute to the poor air quality affecting people with asthma.

U.S. EPA Region 5's Asthma Program works in conjunction with U.S. EPA's National Program to support its partners' efforts in reducing the burden of asthma in the six Great Lake States - Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

With Americans spending up to 90% of their time inside homes, schools and other buildings, common indoor asthma triggers can be reduced or eliminated:

Outdoor air quality is a concern for those who are working and playing in that environment, especially if they have respiratory concerns. U.S. EPA promotes the Air Quality Index (AQI) as a tool to provide clear and timely information on local air quality and potential health risks from air pollution levels.

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U.S. EPA Region 5 Asthma or Environmental Topics Contacts

Name Role E-Mail Phone
Sheila Batka State Asthma Programs, Website 312-886-6053
Fayette Bright Local and Tribal Asthma Programs 312-886-6069
Lara Lasky State and Local Asthma Programs, Communities in Action Regional Representative, School Asthma Programs 312-353-5614
Jeanette Marrero Local Asthma Programs, IAQ Tools for Schools Coordinator 312-886-6543
Helen Tsiapas Environmental Tobacco Smoke Coordinator 312-886-7901

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National and State Asthma Programs and Contacts

National Programs:

State Programs and Contacts: Exit EPA Disclaimer

   Illinois   Indiana   Michigan   Minnesota   Ohio   Wisconsin

Contact(s) Phone E-Mail Asthma Website State Plan
Cheryl Lee
Anjanette Manzy

217-785-4330 (cl)


Illinois Department of Public Health Illinois Asthma Partnership Strategic Plan(pdf,3232 kb, 40 pgs.)
Marcie Memmer 317-233-7299 mmemmer@isdh.in.gov Indiana State Department of Health's Asthma Program A Strategic Plan for Addressing Asthma in Indiana (pdf,3822 kb, 104 pgs.)
Charlyn Primous
Robert Wahl
Toll Free: 866-EZ LUNGS (only for MI calls)517-484 7206 (cp)517-335-9151 (rw) cprimous@alam.org
Asthma Initiative of Michigan Asthma in Michigan 2010: A Blueprint for Action (pdf, 1250 kb, 44 pgs.)
Laura Oatman 651-201-5914 Laura.Oatman@state.mn.us Minnesota Department of Health Strategic Plan for Addressing Asthma in Minnesota
Barbara Hickcox 614-644-8286 Barbara.Hickcox@odh.ohio.gov Ohio Asthma Coalition Ohio Statewide Asthma Plan
Christine Rameker
Kristen Grimes
608-267-6845 (cr)
414-292-4001 (kg)
Wisconsin Asthma Coalition Wisconsin Asthma Plan(pdf, 2718 kb, 128 pgs.)

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National U.S. EPA Asthma Program Resources

For information about the following topics, visit the suggested Websites.

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