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Reviewer Biographical Information

Please fill in, at a minimum, all required fields marked by asterisks (*). Then click "Submit" near the bottom of the form.

Contact Information:

First Name*
Middle Initial
Last Name*
State Zip*   
Phone *

Would you be willing to travel to participate in panel reviews of proposals? The cost of such travel is borne by the National Science Foundation.
Would you be willing to review individual proposals electronically using email?

Background Information:

Highest Degree* PhD  Masters  Year 
Graduate Mentor
PostDoc Mentor
Professional Affiliations

Research Areas:

Relevant Publications, Patents, and Presentations:

Areas of Expertise

Please indicate all of your areas of expertise from any of the major areas. Select one area at a time, then click on the specific expertise in the second list to include that expertise in your profile. Repeat for additional major topics.

Click to add the Expertise to Selected list below.
Return to the first list to see additional topic areas.

Expertise areas you have selected
(click an item if you wish to remove it from this list):

The information on the form will be used in connnection with the selection of qualified reviewers and enables program offices to reference specific reviewers and maintain appropriate files for use in evaluating applications for grants or other support.

Demographic Information: Optional

You may answer any, all or none of these questions. An explanation for the request of demographic data appears at the end of this section.


 Male    Female


 U.S. Citizen   Permanent Resident   Other non-U.S. Citizen 


 American Indian / Alaskan Native   Hispanic / Latino  
 Black / African American   White / Caucasian 
 Asian   Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 


 None   Hearing Impairment   Visually Impairment
 Mobility/Orthopedic Impairment   Other/Not Listed

WHY THIS INFORMATION IS BEING REQUESTED: The Federal Government has a continuing commitment to monitor the operation of its review and award processes to identify and address any inequities based on gender, race, ethnicity, or disability. To gather information needed for this important task, we ask that reviewers provide the requested demographic information about themselves. Submission of the requested information is voluntary and will not affect your eligibility to serve as an NSF reviewer. Nonetheless, we need your cooperation, for information not submitted will seriously undermine the statistical validity, and therefore the usefulness, of information we get from others.

Collection of this information is authorized by the NSF Act of 1950, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 1861, et seq. Demographic data allows us to gauge whether our programs and other opportunities in science and technology are fairly reaching and benefiting everyone regardless of demographic category, and to ensure that those in under-represented groups have the same knowledge of and access to programs, meetings, vacancies, and other research and educational opportunities as everyone else. The information will be held closely. It may be disclosed to government contractors, experts, volunteers and researchers as necessary to complete assigned work; to other government agencies needing the information in order to conduct joint merit reviews with NSF; to federal government agencies needing potential reviewers and specialists in particular fields, or to another federal science agency or an academic researcher to use this data for statistical purposes in scholarly studies or in federal program evaluations. The information will be added to the NSF Reviewer file, which is used to identify potential candidates to serve as peer reviewers or advisory committee members. See System of Records, NSF-51, "Reviewer/Proposal File and Associated Records," 69 Federal Register 26410 (May 12, 2004).

OMB Control No.: 3145-0060

NSF 428 B Exp. 03/31/2008

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National Science Foundation Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
The National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: (703) 292-5111, FIRS: (800) 877-8339 | TDD: (800) 281-8749
Last Updated:
February 17, 2004